23 - nightmare;regret

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You flinched awake. You glanced over at Gojou, his face facing yours, fast asleep. He had his arm lazily draped over your side. Gojou tended to let his guard down around you, turning off infinity at night. If someone did attack you both in the middle of the night, he'd notice and turn infinity on immediately. How'd you know? Because he was the strongest of course. And it's happened before.

Carefully lifting up his arm, you slid out from under him. You made sure to slowly put his arm down too, so you wouldn't disrupt him. Knowing him, he was probably awake. But you could just tell him you needed some water.

You slowly walked to the kitchen, cursing the floorboard for only being squeaky when you tried walking on it quietly. Quickly grabbing a glass cup and filing it up with cold water, you swallowed it all in a quick gulp. You sighed in relief. "Hi love."

Immediately you flinched, yelping when you dropped the cup, the glass breaking against the floor. Your heart beat rapidly as Gojou gasped. "Don't move," he warned you as he headed for the lights. Once they were on, he quickly turned to you. "Are you alright?"

You sucked in air to calm your heartbeat. "Yes. Yeah, sorry, oh my god."

Gojou shook his head as he grabbed a broom. "It's not your fault Y/N, what're you sorry for? Don't move though, you could accidentally step on it."

You nodded. "Yeah, I won't. Sorry I woke you up."

Gojou shook his head as he carefully got all the glass. "No, I was awake way before you," He grinned, looking up at you from your feet, his eyes holding a mischievous glint. "Watching you try and be sly was funny."

You smiled back, rolling your eyes jokingly. "Shut up." Suddenly you felt a chill up your leg. You looked down at Gojou to see him sticking his tongue up at you, winking. "Sator"- This time he actually licked you. You gaped at him, unable to stop your amused smile. "Satoru!"

"You looked down," he smirked, slowly getting up, going from being at your feet to well over your head. "Literally." You laughed, punching him playfully. Gojou moved his hand to your face, wiping away sweat. "You want me to turn down the heater?"

You nodded, laying your head against his hand. It was warm, but comforting. "That would be nice, yeah."

"Come on, you look tired." Gojou bent down, making you look down at him confused, but he quickly swept you off your feet, carrying you in his arms. You leaned into him, closing your eyes, not able to see his lovestruck eyes.

"You dare defy us?" You felt all the elders glare on you, all over you.

You looked down, gulping. "Yes. I'm sorry, I can't have you trying to separate me and my husband so obviously. Our lives are ours and we will choose what we want to do with them, children of great shaman clans, or not. Stop wasting your time trying to mess us up, because it won't work."

"Oh?" That elder sounded much to amused for your liking. "I'd say our meddling has worked, hasn't it? It's definitely not wasteful."

You turned to the older man. You could almost swear you recognized their voice. "What?"

"If it were a waste, why are you here? If it weren't bothering you like it wasn't before, you wouldn't have bothered even stepping a foot in here and requesting for us to stop. We've put a rift somewhere. And it seems like it's just you. Satoru seems completely fine with your relationship now. He even told us it was going fantastic yesterday." The elder man chuckled, and you stopped the mindless fidgeting you'd been doing with your wedding ring. "How sad. A wife in doubt of her husband perhaps? Or better yet! He voiced his complaints on you not confronting us, and you did it to prove something. I'm sure you know that's"-

"Shut up Oto-san." you interrupted. "You can keep thinking you're right, but I assure you, you're not."

"Am I not? Alright then. You can leave, knowing we've gotten you all figured out, especially with this visit of yours. You're in the palm of my hand Y/N. And I can crush you easier than you think. My daughter deserves the worst of my wrath."

You clenched and unclenched your fists, staring straight ahead at the door. "Tell Oka-san I'm still not taking up the offer. No matter how hard the two of you try." You looked back at him, and despite not having the eyes of Gojou Satoru, everyone in the room can tell you'd mastered the talent of his glaring. "Taking Satoru away from me will be your biggest regret yet." 

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