forgetful; plan

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You woke up to multiple calls and texts from your coworkers, the most recent one being from Nanami. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you checked them over again. Shoko had called 3 times, Nanami had called 5 and Yaga had called 11. Usually, if this happened, your missed calls from Gojou would be 50. But there wasn't anything. You bit your cheek and called back Nanami.

He answered immediately. "Hello?"

"How do you not wake up to however many times I called you?" Nanami scolded.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was only 5 times," you defended yourself quickly before getting to the point. "What happened? I'm assuming it's bad because Shoko called me."

"The Goodwill Event was attacked by the patchwork curse and some other curses. They're goal was to take cursed objects and they succeeded. They took six of Sukuna's fingers and Death painting Wombs 1, 2 and 3." He explained.

"Is everyone alright?" You asked, rubbing your eyes.

"The students are fine but there were quite a few casualties. Lives were lost. Shoko's fixed up casualties though."

"That's good.." you muttered, mind wandering.

"What are you thinking about?" Nanami asked, noticing you weren't focused.

"Satoru didn't call me.."

"He's tired and mad, for once I get why."

"Why is he mad?" you asked. "Is it because I delayed when I'd be there, I told him why"-

"It is because you delayed when you'd be here. I mean, I don't know the specifics but.. Someone forgot something."

"What? I mean.. It's not his birthday yet, there's some time until that happens.."

"Really," Nanami most definitely rolled his eyes in Japan. "I say you forgot something and you think of his birthday? When it's not even December?"

You put Nanami on speaker phone and opened up your calendar. Right when you did, you got a text from Mark. "Oh, you know, I made a new friend. That's why I stayed here later, he needed a Japanese tutor."

"He?" Nanami asked. "You told Gojou this person was a he? How much has his stupidity rubbed off on you?"

"What?" You asked, looking at the date on your calendar. "Wait.."

"Yes, do you now realize you spent your anniversary with Gojou on the other side of the world with a man, while he spent his anniversary with you here, dealing with curses who were trying to actually distract him so they could get cursed objects, and in the end succeed? Do you?"

You couldn't even process it. "My phone didn't- it's new so I didn't have the date put in to give me a reminder, and he didn't even hint at it yesterday!"

"Quit making excuses and apologize to your husband."

"Sato?" You shut the door quietly, noticing all the lights were off. "Are you asleep"-

Suddenly, a click and a lamp was turned on. Itadori and Nobara swirled around on those chairs that spun around, and they faced you, looking with great disappointment. "Um, what.. What are you guys doing in my house?"

You looked behind the two first years to see the third behind them on a couch. Nobara snapped to get your attention. "Kamo-sensei. I know you're the best person in the world, and that even the best person ever could forget things."

"But that doesn't excuse the fact that you forgot your anniversary with your beloved, childlike husband," Itadori continued. This was definitely scripted. You let them go on.

"Gojou-sensei has done his best to be cheery for us today," Nobara explained. "But when we didn't look, he sulked. That isn't like Gojou sensei. He doesn't hide his exaggerated feelings. If he was sulking he would sulk in front of us."

"So we knew something was wrong," Itadori said, adding dramatic storytelling effect to his voice. "I asked Nanamin-sensei what happened and he told me about all your wrongdoings."

"Alright.." you hesitantly spoke, looking around. "But what are you doing in my house? And where's Satoru?"

"He's a man and what do men stereotypically do when they're sad?" Nobara asked. You both, along with Itadori, all said, "Drink."

"But," you refuted her point. "Satoru doesn't drink."

"And Fushiguro told us," Nobara said. "But while he doesn't drink, he still  goes to bars. Just to mope around."

You rubbed your temple. They were right. You sighed. "No offense kids.. But I'd much rather sort out my married couple issues by myself."

"And Fushiguro doubts you," Itadori explained.

You glared at Fushiguro. "If you wanna say something say it to my face kid."

"Okay. Your husband won't teach us properly if he's sad about his personal life so we need to fix it because it affects us too." Fushiguro pointed to the kitchen. "The second years are making dinner at the school. They'll bring you food and your job is just to set everything up. I won't, but these two idiots will hide under the couches to make sure your saying the right things."

"Okay, woah, woah, I know how to talk to Satoru about our issues, and I don't want"-

"Our decisions are final Kamo-sensei," Nobara interrupted. "You also have to get Gojou-sensei to come home."

The doorbell rang. "Oh, that should be the food!" Itadori ran to the door and opened it. You bit your cheek to keep yourself from getting mad. You appreciated that the kids cared about their education, and that they cared about you and Gojou's relationship but it wasn't their place to barge in.

The second years came in, all of them holding food. It seemed like Maki was being pushed by Panda. "The food smells great!" Nobara cheered as she took some of it and headed for the kitchen.

As the boys followed after her, you inhaled deeply. "I'm sorry," Maki sighed, next to you. "I told them it was a bad idea. I'd much rather a slightly more crappy Gojou-sensei than try and help with relationship problems."

"No, it's fine, it's.. Sweet, I guess. They're trying."

"Just don't get too mad at them for it," Maki requested. "I.. hate to say this, but you two are like parents to us. And," she looked away, biting her lip. "If you both.. Separated, it would be like if our parents did and we don't want that."

You stared at her astounded. "What?"

Maki stared at the ceiling. "I mean, I don't think it's that deep, but the others"-

You rushed into the kitchen where they were all setting up the table. Nobara looked up at you. "Help for your own anniversary diner would be nice, sensei."

You stared at them. "You don't think Satoru and I will divorce, do you?"

They all paused. "No," Fushiguro answered quickly after, recovering.

"Yeah, no," Nobara agreed, and Panda did the same.

"Salmon," Inumaki shook his head.

Itadori stayed silent. "Because we won't, if that's what you think." You reassured quickly. "Relationship problems happen, and me and Satoru have been together for a while, so it's to be expected. Anniversary fights are really common too, so it's fine, you guys should"-

"Yeah but," Itadori interrupted, looking down. "You guys have been fighting more than usual, recently, right? I mean, when we were with Nanami sensei before the Goodwill Event yesterday?"

"That was because of the anniversary," you refuted. "Like I said, don't worry."

"Kamo-sensei! You guys!" Maki rushed into the room, panting. "Gojou-sensei's here!"

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