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"Come on," Shoko urged you. 

"You..." You were more hesitant than you thought you would be. "You're taking me away?" 

"Unless you want to stay," she huffed, rolling her eyes. "What're you being so baby-like for, come on, don't you want to get out of here?" 

"I do!" You exclaimed, getting up. "But- how did you even get in?!" 

"The heads of the Gojou and Kamo clan are in a meeting - a very important one. All your clan heads are gone, leaving the weaker ones - not a tough force to get through. You could've gotten out all on your own, had you known what was happening." Shoko grabbed your wrists with her hands and pulled you up, grunting a little as she did so. "Now, come on. You're all I have, right now. You have to come back." 

"Shoko," you said, softly. 

"Shut up," she grumbled, looking away. "We're figuring out how to get Gojou out. The kids are doing most of the work honestly"- 

"The kids!" You repeated, taking her out with you, weaving through more abandoned hallways so you wouldn't run into anyone. "How are they? Are they okay? How're Maki and Nobara?" 

Shoko sighed. "Nobara is still... in unstable condition." 

Your shoulders drooped. 

"But Maki is doing great - better than ever actually."

"That's good," you muttered. You were happy she was doing well, but the news about Nobara didn't put you in all that gleeful of a mood. Shoko tended to give bad news first, a flaw, some would say, but you were glad you didn't have the time to get excited about Maki's state. 

"She actually just massacred the Zenin clan." 


Shoko grinned as you looked back at her in shock. "She's doing pretty well for herself, don't you think?" 

"You can't just tell me she massacred her entire clan, and not elaborate," you huffed. 

"What's there to say?" she shrugged. "She killed all the Zenins. Well, not that twin of hers - Mai died, which awakened Maki's potential. Heavenly restriction, and all that jazz." 

"Like Toji Fushiguro," you murmured. 

"Let's not forget he was a Zenin," Shoko reminded you. "Must run in their family. Murder must, as well." 

"Megumi? Tsumiki?" You asked. "Yuji, Panda, Inumaki"- 

"Okay, okay, give me a second out of this stuffy place and I can brief you on everything that's happened. But just, trust me okay? Things will be okay. Everything's going to be fine once we get back. We're going to be fine. We're all going to be fine."

You looked over at her with worry, clear in your eyes. 

Shoko couldn't look back at you, unable to handle receiving pity. 

"You believe that, right?" 

You could barely nod your head to, at the very least, agree with her. 

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