39 senpai;blushed

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"Oi, Kamo," you turned your head to see Gojou. You didn't really want to see him. It'd been about a month since he'd comforted you after Haibara's death. "Where've you been?"

You shrugged. "I've been on missions and such."

He caught up with you easily, with his long legs. "Feels like you're never around nagging Suguru. Thought you went and died." You flinched, hearing that last word, and despite the fact that he was a major asshole, he immediately regretted saying that. "Sorry," he rushed. "Shouldn't have said that."

"Yes, you shouldn't have," you sighed. "Do you mind me asking you a favour?"

"Sure," he answered, shoving his hands into his pockets. "What is it? Not like you to ask things from me."

"Do you mind asking one of the female senpais' to spar with me? Like Mei-senpai or Utahime-senpai?"

Gojou wrinkled his nose, narrowing his eyes at you. "Senpai? When did you become so formal?"

You shrugged. "My parents insisted."

Gojou stuck his tongue out at you. "Of course, you'd do anything they asked, ya goody two shoes."

You let out a loud sigh and stopped. "Will you do me the favour or not?"

"Fine," Gojou straightened up, walking ahead. You stayed a few steps behind, when you chose to follow him. "Why ask them though? I'm free for a bit, you could spar me."

You fixed your gaze to the ground as he looked at you, expectant of an answer. "I'd.. rather not."

He grinned cockily. "You scared? Think you can't beat the strongest?"

"No," you shook your head, crossing your arms. "I'm just.. Don't feel like it."

"Huh?!" Gojou furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at you. "Are you even the same Kamo? She would never pass a chance to fight with me just because she doesn't feel like it. You on your period or something?" You immediately glared at him, and he raised a brow, refusing to shut up from a simple glare. He'd get to the bottom of this.

"I just don't feel like it." You sped up your walking speed to get ahead of him, but he stayed half a step behind, with no struggle. "Stop following me senpai."

"Senpai? Are you talking to me?" Gojou asked, surprised, pointing at himself. "You're definitely not the real Kamo. Did your parents tell you to stop fighting boys or something?" When he didn't get an answer, just you trying to get quicker, he let out an obnoxious laugh. "That's it, isn't it? What are you, 12? You're going to listen to your daddy about not touching other boys? Think we have cooties or some shi-?"

"They want me to get married."

"Huh?!" Gojou quickened his steps, to walk backwards so he could see the front of your face while you walked. "Married? You're like 17, what the fuck are they thinking?!"

"All woman in my family marry early," you commented.

"Yeah, but it's 2007, what are they marrying you off at 17 for? What, is it going to be arranged?"

"The elders of the family have chosen all the men in the family that can.." Heat rose to your face. You didn't really want to talk to Gojou about it. You're eyes darted to the left, and you immediately turned, catching Gojou off guard.

"Oi!" Gojou called out, as you were now practically jogging away from him. "I'm going to make you tell me, so just spit it out instead of wasting time!"

Wifeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें