Save; Satoru

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Shoko had seen Gojou determined. She'd seen him want to push his students to be the very best, when he declared that they would surpass him, after a meeting with the elders that made him tense up.

She had seen him mad, when they all had believed Yuji had died.

She had seen his heartbroken by their best friend.

She'd even seen him drunk, something only she and Getou could say.

But she'd never seen him cry.

He hadn't visited you on his birthday.

In fact, on his birthday, no one really knew where he'd gone off to. He'd told Ijichi that he wanted to be alone, so that no one would worry when he scurried off.

Shoko wasn't sure if he'd gone to an entirely different country - she hoped not, they were trying to make sure he saved his energy in preparation for the fight.

She went to visit you, and had pretty much stayed the whole day by your burial site. It wasn't anything fancy. Just a stick she'd found, along with some flowers that people came by and placed when they were thinking of you - or found a flower in what had become a wasteland.

At the end of the day, she finally decided to go to your apartment.

She didn't know if it was a bad idea or not. But she felt like she understood Gojou more.

She moved her hand up to slowly knock on the door, but it opened.

Shoko huffed. "Could've let me knock."

"Sorry," Gojou muttered, scratching the back of his neck, moving away from the door so Shoko could step inside. "Didn't want anyone sneaking up on me."

"I doubt Sukuna is just gonna show up at your door."

Gojou chuckled, but there was no humour to his tone.

Shoko placed down the sweets she had picked up from a store that had closed down. She didn't even need to sneak in - just walked past the broken door and grabbed whatever she knew that Gojou would like.

"Happy birthday Satoru."

Gojou grinned. "Thanks."

Shoko looked at his eyes. She quickly looked away.

Gojou shifted in his seat, digging through his pockets. Shoko picked at her nails as he placed on the blindfold that he always wore, covering his eyes so she couldn't see.

But she already saw.

Gojou's bright blue eyes were rimmed with red.

"Anything special planned?" Shoko asked, cursing herself soon after for even trying to start small talk. She hated it more than he did, so why would she start it?

Gojou shrugged, wringing his fingers. "I wanted to visit Y/N. Couldn't do it though. You do anything nice today? Besides raid a sweet shop."

"I couldn't leave her," Shoko muttered. Gojou paused, looking over at her as she stared down at her feet. "I'm having trouble moving on."

Gojou clenched onto the bag. "We're not supposed to dwell on these things. We're sorcerers."

Shoko grit her teeth. "Well, you've always been better at this whole thing than I have."

Nanami's death being something he brushed over, shocked Shoko.

But to think that he was able to be so casual about his wife dying was simply unbelievable. He'd always lost his composure at even the thought of you being hurt, so why wasn't this doing anything.

"How long was it for you?" Gojou looked up at her, tilting his head. "In the prison realm."

He pressed his lips into a thin line. "I don't know."

"How long did it feel like, then?"

Gojou swallowed. "I thought you'd all be dead. I got to the point that I thought I was getting out soon. Not because I'd be unsealed, but because it would be a thousand years from now. I thought everyone was long gone, and I'd have no idea of what happened."

"So it must've been a shock to come out."

"Well," he shrugged. "I adapt well."

Yeah. That's how he came back to life that one time by suddenly learning and mastering the cursed technique that Shoko had taken months to learn and years to perfect.

Still. She couldn't save everyone.

Shoko stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Gojou nodded. "Remember where it was? It's been a long month and a half since you've been here."

"What, did you forget?" She snorted. "It was a long millennium for you."

As she stepped into the bathroom, the first thing that caught her eye was how shockingly untidy it was. Gojou was surprisingly clean with his bathroom. He was serious about where his products went, but they were just left shoved on one side in the sink.

Shoko, out of curiosity, opened a drawer. She sighed, when the first one she opened was just all of what you had used. He'd shoved it all in this one drawer, it seemed.

She looked over at the garbage as well. Filled to the brim with tissue papers, all crumpled up and used.

He must've been crying all day.

Shoko went to grab her things when she left the bathroom.

"Leaving so soon?" Gojou asked.

Shoko sighed. "I don't mean to leave you alone."

Gojou shrugged. "I don't mind. Just wondered why, you seem like you're in a rush."

"Just thought that if I were you..." Gojou looked at her warily, gulping. He didn't want her to finish any sentence that might make him burst into tears. "I would just want to hold myself and imagine it was her."

Gojou nodded. "Thanks for the food."

Shoko hummed. "I'll text you later. Eat. Drink water. Sleep, all that stuff."

"Alright, doctor's orders, I'll take them seriously," Gojou grinned. "Thanks for coming over Ieiri."

"Stop thanking me so much," Shoko huffed. "It's weird," she said quickly, before shutting the door.

Gojou quickly pulled up his blindfold and wiped at his eyes furiously. He groaned as he let his head fall on the table, wrapping himself with his arms.

"Y/N..." Gojou muttered. "Please come back."

Shoko watched each move carefully. The fight was intense. She had full confidence in Gojou, but with every almost loss, she lost that confidence. She'd tried to keep a lazy grin on her face, trusting in her best friend, but that wouldn't keep him alive.

She rubbed her hands together each time an injury seemed extremely grave, preparing for his body.

Her heart leaped into her throat when it had seemed as though Gojou had won.

But it dropped to her stomach when she saw the dust clear out and reveal Gojou's body, sliced in two.

As people moved to go collect his body, Utahime turned to Shoko. "You can do this, right?" She clutched onto Shoko's shoulder. "I know it's going to be painful, I know this is going to be really hard but... you're our only hope, Ieiri."

"I know," Shoko nodded.

"I'll save Satoru."

I'm sorry to everyone who thought last chapter was the... well, last chapter. I know it seems like a disappointing ending with the death but the actual ending comes on valentines. I hope the ending is fluffy and cute (and bittersweet) enough to make up for allll of the heartache 😭

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