22 - scared; exhausted

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"Is Kamo-sensei alright?" Itadori barged into the room. Gojou saw the other first years behind him.

"We have a mission soon," Nobara explained, her voice quieter than Itadori, as she read the room. It was just Gojou, and considering the circumstances, the room wasn't too hard to read. "So we wanted to check in. How is she?"

"I don't know," Gojou answered. "I don't feel like seeing her right now."

Nobara's prior gentleness quickly faded, as anger was written all over her face. "I think her safety is more important than an anniversary Gojou-sensei-!"

"I know," he interrupted. "But imagine what she thinks of me. She had some curse who looked exactly like me, to her was me, tell her all the things she's insecure about. What if she sees me and is reminded of it?"

Nobara faltered immediately. "Oh yeah. Um, how about we check on her for you? You seem worried."

Gojous' eyes lit up. "Will you? Shoko refuses to tell me."

Fushiguro rolled his eyes. "You're too desperate, Gojou-sensei."

"And that makes me all the better of a husband," Gojou grinned, obviously very excited to finally get some information on your well being.

The three kids hurried to where you would be resting. Nobara slowly slid open the door. You were awake and seemed to be talking Nanami's ear off. Nobara fully opening the door caught your attention. You looked very hopeful at first, but upon seeing them that hopeful look faded away. You still looked happy but they were definitely not what you'd wanted at the moment.

"Kamo-sensei!" Nobara ran to your side and hugged you, and she was quickly pushed away by Itadori, who hugged you even tighter. The two of you had grown quite close in training and you were proud of that. Fushiguro stood at the doorway. You opened your arms, grinning, and he stood there, as if he were challenging you, which he definitely was. You wiggled your eyebrows at him, saying 'you know you want to' with your face.

He gave up after Nobara and Itadori practically pushed him into your arms. "Glad you're alright," he muttered very quietly, so only you could hear, when you wrapped your arms around him.

You nodded and let go, before smiling at the three kids. "How are you feeling sensei?" Itadori asked, as he seated himself at the end of your hospital bed.

"I'm alright," you confessed. "I think I'd be better if someone else was here.. But.. Um, since you guys pretty much know a lot about my personal relationship now, would you guys know where-?"

"He's sulking in the halls."

"He's afraid of talking to you."

"He loves you so much he doesn't want to see you?"

They said simultaneously. Nobara and Fushiguro shook their heads at what Itadori said, but they couldn't say he was wrong.

Nanami flipped a page in his book. "I told you so."

You sighed in relief. "Would you mind telling him to come over? I really want to talk to him."

"Like.. bad talk?" Itadori asked carefully.

You shook your head. "No, not now. But we might have to have a bad talk later today, don't stop by my house then."

The three agreed not to immediately, and said their goodbyes since they had an assignment to do. Once they were gone, Nanami got up as well, placing the book he was reading on a small table. "This is horrible, how did you even read a page?" He asked.

You laughed. "Oh well, Yu liked the book. He gave me a book to read for every year of my life, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Nanami smiled slight. "You tell me every year." You heard a knock. Nanami sighed. "That's my cue to leave then. I have to exorcise some curses in Shibuya."

"Mhm, don't die on me!"

"And I have a better book you should read. It's much more in our times."

"You should tell me after you get back then," you winked, and he rolled his eyes before sliding open the door. Nanami quickly strolled out, not even acknowledging Gojou.

You smiled at your husband though. "Hey," you whispered.

His lip curled up slightly, hesitantly. "Hi." He walked closer to you, in long strides. "How are you?"

"I'm good," you smiled even wider when he was closer. "You seem very scared of me, by the way." Gojou raised a brow at you as you pulled his cheek, giggling at his face. "Don't be, please."

"We're going to talk right?" Gojou asked.

"Yeah," you reached out for his hand and he put his in yours, no hesitation. "Can we get it done quickly though? I'm exhausted."

"Understandably." He smiled, cheekily. "Let's go then, my love." 

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