Ch:1 Pt:5 The Strongest Student

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The first day went by nicely, but what happens next will be one of the greatest moments of mine and Shosuke's lives, the Battle Trial. We got to see the extent of our powers during the quirk apprehension tests, and now we get to try them out on each other. And this will be the perfect time to show my fighting abilities.

"I AM . . . COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" Said a very familiar voice.

'All Might? What's he doing here?' Midoriya thought to himself.

"Hello class! I will be your hero training teacher through out your time here at U.A! I hope your ready for some intense training!" All Might shouted.

"Well, this is going to be very fun." Shosuke said with a hidden smile.

"Ah, you must be Tori. And the one next to you must be Saitama. I've heard great things about the two of you. And I also saw that the two of you cleaned the beach. Incredible work!" All Might said.

"Wait, your the ones who cleaned up that place?" Uraraka asked.

"Well, yes. We did it for our training. Heroes now days are all focused on being rich, famous and being adored by all their fans when they take down a villain. But, they always forget to help with some small community service. You should never stray to far away from the roots." Shosuke said in a happy tone.

"Spoken like a true hero. Now . . ." All Might continued.

All Might presses a button on a remote and the walls open up, showing our hero costumes.

"One of the most important things of being a hero is your hero outfit! Now, get your hero costumes on and meet me at Ground B, you bunch of newbies!" All Might shouted as he dashed out the door.

Class 1A make their way to the changing rooms and get changed into their hero costumes. Izuku's costume is the same as Saitama's, the only difference is that Midoriya wears a temporary mask, so his identity isn't shown to his class yet. Shosuke's costume is made up of a trench coat and a mask.

  Shosuke's costume is made up of a trench coat and a mask

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They both get to Ground B earlier than most of their class

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They both get to Ground B earlier than most of their class. The only ones who were there were Izumi, Shoto, Shotara, Katsuki and Katsumi. They looked at the two of them and seemed angry.

"Now, today we'll show you who the strongest people really are!" Katsuki exclaimed.

"I'm sure you will." Shosuke replied.

Before anyone else could speak, the rest of the class arrive. All Might comes from no where and starts to explain what they'll be doing.

"This shall be a simple Hero VS Villain test. There will be teams of two going up against each other, except for one team which will have three. One team will be the hero's, and the other will be the villain's. The villain's need to protect the bomb that they plan on setting off, and the heroes have to either place their hand on the bomb, or wrap the villains in this tape. Now, lets pick the teams!" All Might explained.

(The Teams are mostly canon, except for a few.)

"Now, we have an uneven number of students so the team of three will be Izumi, Katsuki and Shotara. As for the last two teams, Tori and Saitama will be one team and Katsumi and Shoto will be the other. And now, for our first fight! Saitama and Tori as the heroes and Izumi, Katsuki and Shotara as the villains! Take your places!" All Might shouted as he went to the camera room with the rest of the class.

"Alright, remember. Do not speak to them. If you need to speak through the ear piece, just whisper. Now, who will you take on?" Shosuke said.

"I'll take on Katsuki and my sister. They will more than likely go for me first and leave Shotara to guard the bomb since she's the most level headed one of them all. You take her on and get to the bomb. Got it?" Midoriya replied.

"Sounds like a plan." Shosuke said.

"READY? GO!" All Might shouted over the PA system.

The moment he said that, explosions could be heard coming from upstairs.

"Kacchan. Izumi mustn't be far behind him. Go, I'll take them." Midoriya said.

"Good luck. Not like you'll need it." Shosuke replied.

Shosuke runs to the ladder and makes his way up. And just in time too, Katsuki and Izumi were standing at the other side of the hallway.

"So, think you can beat two of us at the same time?" Izumi taunted.

Midoriya didn't respond, he just casually started walking towards them.

"What is he doing?! Is he really gonna take them on alone!?" Kaminari shouted.

"This may be an ego check for them." Said Mina.

"We must watch and find out." All Might said.

"Come on! I dare you to throw the first punch!" Katsuki shouted.

To annoy Katsuki and Izumi, Izuku just stands there looking at them unfazed.

"So you think your better than us huh!?" Katsuki shouted.

"Well we'll show you!" Izumi shouted afterwards.

Izumi and Katsuki both run at Izuku and start blasting him, to which he dodged all if their attacks.

Izumi shoots multiple blades from her hands to try and hit Izuku, but he dodged then as well.

"Your fast, but there's something you need to know!" Katsuki shouted.

"My sweat is highly explosive, and these gauntlets have been storing my sweat to release it as one big explosion!" Katsuki shouted.

Katsuki aims his gauntlet at Izuku and a pin pops out from the side. He wraps his finger around it and prepares to fire.

"Katsuki Bakugo! Don't do it! You'll kill him!" All Might shouted over the speakers.

"Only if he dodges!" Katsuki shouted back.

Katsuki pulls the trigger and an explosion is released from the front of the gauntlet directly towards Izuku.

"I believe we have won." Izumi said with pride.

"H-he actually hit him with that explosion?" Sero said with shock.

"How could he do such a thing?" Momo asked.

"He's gonna be a very dangerous person to go against." Sato said.

"Actually . . ." All Might began saying.

"HEROES WIN!" All Might shouted.

"WHAT!?" Izumi and Katsuki shouted.

"Shosuke has beaten Shotara and has deactivated the bomb! As for young Saitama, he is right behind you!" All Might shouted.

Class 1A look at the camera that shows what's behind Izumi and Katsuki and sure enough, Izuku was standing behind them.

"H-how?" Izumi asked.

Izuku looks at the two and then looks at the camera and gives a thumbs up, and then walks out the door.

'He really is the one.' All Might thought with a proud smile.

Word Count: 1134

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