Ch:2 Pt:1 Re-Destro

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(I've decided not to do the final movie, because I want to focus on more original things now.)

On the way back to the mainland, Y/N barely made a sound.  He just stayed standing, looking out to the ocean while giving a weak smile.  Izuku wanted to go make sure he was ok, but he was pulled away by All Might who wanted to talk about something.

"So, what happened to Katake?"  All Might asked.

"Shosuke, got his quirks stolen."  Izuku said in a sad tone.

"W-What!"  All Might shouted.

"Keep it down, I'm not wanting all the heroes here to know."  Izuku said.

"O-Oh, sorry.  I knew he had a quirk that could steal quirks, but I had no idea he got to one of the students."  All Might said in a shocked tone.

"Yeah, why else would he be like this."  Izuku said as he looked over to see Tatsumaki comforting Shosuke to the best of her abilities.

"I guess so.  Did he tell you what he plans to do?"  All Might asked.

"Yeah.  He's gonna ask if he can take a week off in complete isolation from everyone, and then continue his journey as a hero using his bloodline."  Izuku said.

"Hmm, I see that nothing will stop his goal.  And what about you?  I noticed that you havn't been the same.  Did something happen during the battle between the aliens?"  All Might asked.

"You saw that?"  Izuku asked.

"The whole of Japan saw it.  The only ones who havn't seen it would be your classmates."  All Might said.

"I see.  Well, when I bet the boss, Boros, I felt bad.  Sure, he attacked us and was going to kill us all, but he was just looking for the same thing that I was.  Someone to give his life a purpose.  Someone who could survive in a battle against him."  Izuku said.

"But, he did survive for a while."  All Might said.

"I was holding back."  Izuku said.

"By how much?"  He asked.

"Those normal punches were about 2.5%, and that ultimate move was 3.5%-4%."  Izuku said.

"O-Oh, right.  And so, you feel bad because he was basically just another version of you?"  All Might asked.

"Pretty much."  Izuku said.

"Young Midoriya, I'll tell you something that you already know.  During your path of a hero, you'll be faced with decisions that you will regret.  And seeing as you have powers that could face off extra-terrestrials, your decisions will effect much more than just the people of Japan.  But, in the end, you'll see that it was all for the greater good."  All Might said.

"That's the thing.  There is no end."  Izuku said.

"What do you mean?"  All Might asked.

"The heroes who make bad decisions will only have to live with those decisions for about 40-50 years, until they pass.  But as for me, I'll need to live with these choices for the rest of eternity."  Izuku said.

"Right, your immortal.  Sorry, I forgot.  Well, I don't know much about celestial powers, immortality or alien life, but I do know this.  Life will throw problem after problem your way.  It's the greatest and most powerful enemy you will face.  No matter what percentage you use of your power, it will not falter.  But, if you can tank those hits, and stand back up, and continue your journey with a smile on your face, you will get through.  My master told me that those who can smile in the toughest situations are the strongest."  All Might said with a smile as he thought back to his time with his master.

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