Ch:1 Pt:35 Truth or Lie

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"So.  What do you want?"  A man in prison clothes asked.

"I want to know where Izumi is dad."  Izuku said.

"How would I know?  I was thrown in jail not a single day after those UA teachers came to our house."  Hisashi said.

"Izumi trusted you and mom more than anything, if she would tell anyone, it would be two of you."  Izuku said.

"Well, go ask your mother, because she didn't say anything to me."  Hisashi said.

Izuku knew that he was telling the truth.  And he also had a good idea where Izumi was and what she was doing.  She wasn't too careful of where she stood during the raid.  Izuku went to the prison for women to ask her, she wasn't too keen on talking to him, but a part from Izumi, he's the only one who actually visited her.

"What do you want?"  She asked.

"That's exactly what dad said."  Izuku said as he sat in front of her.

"Answer the question, I don't have time for your heroic crap."  She said.

"Well, the judge put 10 years on your time so I think you have plenty of time."  Izuku said.

"Alright if you came here just to shove what happened to me and your father in my face, I think you should just leave."  Inko said with venom.

"Actually, I'm not here to talk about you, I'm here to talk to you about Izumi.  Tell me, why would she become a villain?  I know you know, so just answer me."  Izuku said in a serious tone.

Inko couldn't deny that Izumi was a villain, so instead of arguing and having Izuku's stay prolonged, she decided to just tell him.

"Hmph, she said that you heroes are just a bunch of fakes, and that you should have never existed."  Inko said.

"Huh, that's the villain spirit.  She's been a villain for not that long and she already wants to kill us all."  Izuku said.

"Well, you know why she's a villain, and that she is a villain, so if that's all you came for, I think you should leave."  Inko said.

"We know what her goal is.  I asked you WHY did she become a villain?  We all knew that she wanted to be the top hero, why would she change so quickly?"  Izuku asked, hoping that she didn't know the exact reason.

Inko knew that he was catching on to the secret that she knew he knew, but she didn't want him to know she knew. (I have never wrote that many "Knew's" in one sentence.)  She began to get slightly nervous, so she tried to end the visit quickly.

"How long do you have here anyway?  There's a time limit to these things."  She said.

"Not for me.  I'm trying to find a potentially dangerous villain, and you have first hand information about her.  I've also been given the all clear to stay as long as I want from the Heroes Association.  So, just tell me."  Izuku said.

"Fine!  She told me that All Might took away One For All!"  She shouted.

"I see."  Izuku said.

'It's too risky to keep her here.  If she tells someone here, they could pass it on to a more dangerous person, and then there's no telling what would happen.  I need to know if she told anyone.'  Izuku thought to himself.

"I'll be right back."  Izuku said as he walked off.

Izuku went to another room and asked one of the officers to get into contact with Detective Tsukauchi so that he could question her using his lie detector quirk (I gave him a quirk because it suits him).  Since he was near that area, he got there in about 5 minutes.  Izuku brought him to the room that Inko was in, and they began the question her.

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