Ch: 2 Pt: 11 Truth Revealed

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"Hey Sho, I'm gonna head back to see if there's anything that we forgot.  I'll be back in a bit."  Izuku said, as he dashed off to the dorms.

When he got back to the dorms, he saw a police vehicle, and the car that Genos drives.  Obviously he was confused, so he went inside to see what was up.  When he got inside, he saw the students of his class sitting down quietly, and the Detective talking with the staff members of U.A.  They saw him there, and the Detective decided to approach him.

"Izuku Midoriya.  What do you know about Shosuke Katake?"  The Detective asked.

"What's all this about?"  Izuku asked.

"Please, answer the question."  The Detective said.

"Well, he's my best friend.  Has been since we were kids.  He protected me, and was there for me when I needed him.  Why do you want to know?"  The Detective asked.

"True.  Have you ever seen him showing any form of murderous or villainous intentions?"  The Detective asked.

"No, never.  He's always been nice."  Izuku said, as the Detective nodded.

"Midoriya, this may be hard for you to hear, but there's something that your friend is hiding from you."  The Detective said, to a now more confused than before Izuku.

"What is it?"  Izuku asked.

A few moments after the explanation, an alarm was heard on Genos's watch.  He looked at it, and informed Izuku.

"Master, as much as I want to get to the bottom of all of this, that masked villain has returned."  Genos said, as Izuku looked at him and nodded.

"W-We'll talk more about this tomorrow.  For now, put these things back in his safe, and don't act suspicious.  It's best that this is kept a secret from him until we figure this out."  Izuku said, to which the adults nodded in agreement.

"Good idea."  The Detective said, who handed the stuff back to Aizawa.

And so with that, Izuku and Genos had headed towards the scene of the crime, not before collecting and bringing along Echo and Zane.  They needed the two of them to give them directions around the base.  Once they got to the base, they took the same turns they did last time, and wound up back in the laboratory they found Echo and Zane in.  The only difference thy could see, was an open door, that leads down a very, very long hallway.

"So, how are we gonna do this?  Are you gonna transform into a car and drive us down the hallway?"  Echo asked Genos, who chuckled at the comment.

"Shouldn't there be some type of transportation that leads us this way quicker?  Like a railway?"  Izuku asked, as Genos scanned the area.

"No.  There seems to be no sign of transportation used here.  Whoever uses this hall, either has some form of speed enhancement or teleportation ability, or they have great patience."  Genos said.

"Right, then I guess we know what we're doing."  Izuku said, as he began walking.

"You want us to walk down the hallway?!  Who knows what's down there!?"  Zane shouted.

"And not to mention that it would take forever!"  Echo added.

"I can't transport people that far at my speed, they might end up getting whip lash, or worse.  So unless you have a means of teleporting us down there, we're walking.  Now hurry up."  Izuku said in an angry tone, as he continued walking, to which Genos and the siblings followed behind.

"He seems upset.  They both do."  Zane whispered to Echo.

"If you must know, we just found out that someone very close to us has a lot of evidence pointed towards him of being a murderer."  Genos said.

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