Ch:1 Pt:7 The Strongest

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"A hero for fun, huh? Well then, lets cut that goal short, shall we? Nomu, kill him." Shigaraki said.

The Nomu ran towards Izuku, and starts to throw barrages of punches towards him. Izuku doesn't move a single inch, and tanks all the punches thrown at him.

"Saitama!" All Might shouted.

All of the students were just standing there, shocked. They just witnessed their fellow classmate get killed right in front of them. Or so they thought.

"Ah man, he got my mask. Ah well." He said.

The dust settles, and standing in a crater, was Izuku, with his mask and shirt both completely destroyed.

"D-Deku?!" Izumi shouted.

"Hey sis!" Izuku shouted with a smile.

"Who's that?" Mina asked.

"Thats Izuku Midoriya, her brother." Said Shosuke.

The girls look around to hear where the unfamiliar voice came from, and there they saw Shosuke with his mask removed.

"W-who are you?" Uraraka asked.

"The names Shosuke Katake. You know me as Tori, but please call me Katake." He answered.

"W-what?!" Momo shouted.

"Yeah, the story about the accident from our child hood was all a cover up. It was all a disguise." He said.

"Now, lets watch the fight unravel." He continued.

"H-how are you still alive?" Katsuki asked.

"Yeah! That thing was able to beat All Might!" Katsumi shouted.

"I might explain later, let me just do this first." He replied.

"I don't know how you survived, but this time, no holding back Nomu!" Shigaraki shouted angrily.

The Nomu ran as fast as All Might towards the boy, and went to punch him.

"Bippoty boppity . . .

Midoriya slaps the Nomu across the head, blowing the top part of his body up.

"boop." Izuku finished.

"W-what? How? Y-you must have cheated!" Tomura began to throw a tantrum.

"Shigaraki. No need to worry, we still have Vaccine Man, and All Might is weakened. We should kill him now before he regains strength." Kurogiri said.

"Your right. We havn't lost yet. Vaccine, get him." Tomura said.

"I shall enjoy killing you All Might. That creature was strong, but he was weak in comparison to me." Vaccine man said with pride.

"Can we have some fun first? If what you say is true, I would love to fight a worthy opponent." Midoriya said.

"Since when was he the one to talk like that?" Shoto asked.

"I guess ever since he got this strength." Katsumi answered.

"Why would I fight you?" He asked.

"Because it would be fun." Izuku said.

"Your kidding. This is a full villain attack, lives are on the line, and you want to be a hero, and fight for fun?! It's people like you who don't understand what it is to be a hero! I was birthed from Mother Earth to wipe away the disease that is human kind from her surface, and your lame back story is being a hero for fun?!" V.M shouted in rage.

"Wait, so you don't have a quirk?" Izuku asked.

"A quirk? No, I'm not even human. But, that shouldn't concern you. You won't be around long enough to feel the full fury of my pow-!"


Izuku throws another punch at him, instantly killing him.

"He wasn't human, meaning I could kill him." Izuku said to his bullies.

"No! He killed him with another single punch! I don't know who you are kid, but your really after annoy-" Shigaraki said.

Before he could finish, a bullet shot him in the leg, then his left arm, and then his right.

"Sorry were late!" Snipe shouted.

"I got all the pro's that were at the school! I also called the police!" Iida shouted.

"Good job buddy!" Izuku shouted back.

Before any more bullets were fired at Shigaraki, Kurogiri warped them all away. As the heroes arrived, Aizawa managed to wake up, but only barely before falling back to sleep. Before he did, he saw a young boy with a big smile on his face.

'Who is that kid?' He thought.

After being questioned by the police about what happened, I decided to visit All Might and Aizawa in the hospital.

"Hey All Might." Izuku said.

"Ah, Saitama. How are you feeling?" All Might asked, not knowing he was in his skeleton form.

"First of all, you can call me Izuku Midoriya. I'm Izumi's brother." Izuku said.

"Sorry, I remember you making the big reveal, but im still getting used to it." All Might said.

"And second, I should be the one asking if your ok. Is this what you look like when your not at U.A or doing hero work?" Izuku asked.

"What do you- AH!" All Might said with realization.

"I'll take that as a "This was a deep seated secret!" kind of thing." Izuku said.

"Actually, I was planning on telling you sooner rather than later any way." All Might said.

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked.

All Might went on to tell him about the incident a few years ago, how he got his quirk and who All For One is, and what the name of his quirk is.

"The name of my quirk, is One For All. A quirk made for the sole purpose of defeating All For One. As I told you, this quirk is a mantle, that has been passed down many times, but the flame is dying, as I can only now use this power for an hour and a half." All Might.

"I'm so sorry." Izuku said.

"Don't be. I'm actually telling you this because I have recently found the perfect person to hold this quirk." All Might said with a smile.

"Really? Who?" Izuku asked.

"You." He replied.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yes. You have proven multiple times that you will be a great hero. Even if your reason for being a hero is for fun, you still want to be a hero none the less. So, you will make a great successor!"

All Might said all of this with great passion. He has found the perfect person to take his place. Izuku Midoriya! Years of looking, has finally come to an end, he can finally rest at night, knowing that the future of his quirk is safe! Nothing would ruin this amazing moment, nothing at all-

"Nah, I'm good."

Word Count: 1001

Sorry this one is short, but I really wanted to end the chapter like that. See you in the next one!

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