Ch: 2 Pt: 19 What Type Of Hero Am I?

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"The Awakening will now begin."  The Second said, making a hand move, activating the ability.

And so, it began.  When the awakening first started, it was the most painful thing Izuku ever felt.  It was as if the entire multiverse just fell on top of him at once, and he was trying to lift it off of himself.  Over time however, he got stronger, and the multiverse felt a lot lighter, to the point where he could lift it off if himself.  The weight of the multiverse was seemingly lifted off of him.  Unfortunately, there was still the case of his quirk.  With the strengthened, awakened bloodlines flowing through him, his quirk had also awakened.  It might have even reached the point of having the power to steal away One For All, which didn't even seem possible in Izuku's eyes.  He had that quirk for a while, and even though he never activated it, he felt the multiple quirks residing in it, and felt the will power of the past users, showing that it couldn't be stolen like other quirks could.  But enough of that.  This isn't about One For All, that's Mirio's quirk.  This is about getting Limitless back and putting an end to whatever Izumi plans to do next.

"He's been really quiet.  I-Is he ok?"  Hinata asked, to which the Second nodded.

"Yes, this is the safest he's been in a long time.  He's one of us, and Element of Natogar, he's another Other."  The Second said, surprising Hinata.

"W-Wait, you've already made him an Element?  When did that happen?"  Hinata questioned.

"It was decided the moment he was deemed quirkless.  Despite his supposed status, he still pushed forward to being the greatest hero he could be.  He has great spirit, determination, and a pure heart.  Even though he's been on earth his whole life, he still had an effect on us and Natogar.  He's the only thing stopping the corrupted, dark universe from spreading to us.  His purity is a shield to Natogar, and it will also be the cure to the Dark Universe."  Saitama explained, further surprising Hinata.

"Amazing."  Hinata said, looking at the boy.

They all knew something very obvious, so they decided to talk to her about it.

"You like him."  The Fifth said, making Hinata blush.

"W-Well, I think he's nice.  A-And he's determined.  Besides, we just met a week ago, and he also probably has someone on earth that he likes."  Hinata said, to which the Second nodded.

"Correct.  Shotara Todoroki.  The only issue is that she doesn't like him."  The Second said, confusing Hinata.

"What do you mean?"  Hinata asked.

"Relationships on earth, and relationships here in Natogar are completely different.  Here, when someone falls in love, it was meant to be.  They love each other, and nothing can change that.  And there's no way of covering or lying about the love.  But on earth, it's the exact opposite.  It's a rare occasion to see true love on earth.  Everyone wants something out of somebody, whether it's good or bad.  Shotara and her friends, Izuku's sister included, bullied Izuku because of his quirklessness.  Once he got his power, she seemed to become more accepting of him.  Shortly after, she apologized, and they became good friends, causing Izuku to fall for her."  The Second said.

"A rocky beginning sure, but that changed, right?"  Hinata asked, to which the second shook his head.

"No.  Nothing changed.  Following in his sisters footsteps, Shoto Todoroki apologized for his actions, and Katsumi Bakugo after him.  It seemed like everything was going well for Izuku, apart from his sister becoming a villain.  However, Shotara, Katsumi and Shoto's true intentions were much more harmful.  They too are villains, following Cozaos' teachings."  The Second said, shocking Hinata.

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