Ch:1 Pt:23 Laid out on the Table

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Before this chapter starts, just wanted to let you know that the first chapter of my Villain Deku story is out. Feel free to give it a look. Now, enjoy the chapter.

"So, what to buy?" Izuku said as he walked through the market.

"Now . . ." A loud voice said.

"Wait, what was that?" Izuku asked.

"Look." Shosuke said as he pointed to a screen.

On the screen, a live recording of All Might was shown pointing at the camera.

"Now, it's your turn." All Might said as he stood in his weak form.

After that, everyone began cheering for him and saying what a great hero he is.

"That's All Might for ya." Shotara said as she smiled at the screen.

"Yeah, nothing can beat him!" Shosuke said.

'He used the last of his quirk. He's finished. He's talking . . . to Izumi.' Izuku said to himself.

"Hey, your that kid who fought that weird looking monster guy right?" A shop owner asked.

"Yeah, that's me." Izuku said.

"Here, have some fresh fish! On the house!" He said.

"Oh, thank you very much." Izuku said with a smile.

"Looks like someone is becoming somewhat of a popular guy." Shosuke said with a smile.

"Well, he did fight a monster that was brought in by the villain who matched All Might on live T.V." Shotara said.

~~~~~Dorm Talks with Izuku and Shosuke~~~~~

Two teachers of U.A are shown standing in front of an old cabin in the woods.

"Alright, 2 questions. One, who lives here? And second, Why would anyone in U.A live this far out?" All Might asked.

Aizawa looks down at his phone to see who lives there, and see's that it's Izuku's and Shosuke's house.

"Who do you think are fast enough to get from this place to U.A in a short amount of time without running out of energy? Shosuke Katake and Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa said in a somewhat questioning look.

"What? They live together?" All Might asked.

"Apparently. Let's ask." Aizawa said as he knocked at the door.

A few seconds after knocking at the door, Shosuke comes to the door in a "Kiss the Cook then get him a Beer" apron.

"Oh, hey guys, come on in. I assume your here to talk about the dorms?" He asked as he took the apron off and led them to the living room.

"Your assumptions are correct. We also heard that Izuku is here?" Aizawa asked.

"Oh yeah, he's out in the back cutting some wood. I'll go get him. There's some drinks on the table, make yourselves comfortable, I'll be right back." Shosuke said as he went out into the back.

"There like an actual couple." All Might joked.

"Midoriya is probably just staying here for a while." Aizawa said as he took a drink.

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