Ch:2 Pt:2 Always a Fight

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"That keen on meeting us, huh?" Izumi said as they looked towards Deika City

"This army has a force of 110,000 here. When Machia wakes up in an hour and 40 minutes, he'll chase Izumi here, and when he gets here, he run right into the liberation army. They'll begin to battle, and they will lose, and we will win." Compress said as he looked at his pocket watch.

"But, can we last that long?" Compress asked.

"Why do I have to do something so annoying as well?" Dabi asked.

"Giran introduced you too the league as well, didn't he?!" Twice shouted.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Dabi asked.

Before the argument could go any further, Toga heard a noise heading there way.

"Someone's coming!" She shouted.

A man who's feet appeared to be sliding towards them. His name? Slidin' Go.

"Stop right there!" He shouted as he approached them.

"Hello there Villains! My name is Slidin' Go, and I will be your tour guide!" Slidin' Go said.

"Well, let's get this tour started, shall we?" Izumi asked.

"Very well, please follow me!" He shouted as he slid his way to the city.

Once they got into the city, they saw that it was very quiet and desolate, so they knew something was wrong.

"90% of the city has been, as you say, liberated. Correct?" Compress asked.

"That is correct!" Slidin' Go said with a thumbs up.

"Then where's the other 10%?" Dabi asked.

"You have no need to worry about them." Slidin' Go said.

"Implying we have someone else to worry about. I'm assuming your referring to the other 90%?" Izumi asked.

"Correct." A voice in front of them said.

The voice came from one of the leaders of the MLA, Trumpet. He was there with a small army of people around him, and with Curious, another leader of the MLA.

"Welcome to Deika City. The first liberated city of Japan!" Trumpet said.

"Izumi Midoriya, Villain Name, Revanche! A girl with a hidden past! Why would a girl with such a promising quirk leave U.A to lead a small group of Villains? I would love to find out!" Curious said.

"Yeah, too bad." Izumi said.

"Hey! We showed up, so where's Giran!" Twice shouted.

"Giran? Don't worry, he's safe and sound in the Grand Commanders Tower." Trumpet said as he pointed towards a tower in the distance.

'So, that's the target.' Izumi said as she took a mental note and looked over to compress, who nodded to her.

'We need to keep Giganto away from there, otherwise Giran is dead for sure.' Izumi thought.

"Listen, we'll give you a chance to call off your soldiers, and let us pass. We just want the broker." Izumi said.

"Hmm, let me speak to our citizens. Ahem . . . PEOPLE!" Trumpet shouted as a mask went over his face.

Everyone in the area began to look towards Trumpet, who began to give orders to them.

"They are here for the Grand Commander! Protect him at all cost! Get rid of them!" Trumpet shouted.

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