Ch: 2 Pt: 15 Outer-Verse

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Izuku ran and jumped from the ship, putting every ounce of power into the jump.  Once he got in front of the ship, he put his hands into an X pose, and prepared to use a move at his most powerful.

"Ultimate Series!  Ultimate Move:  Collapsing Meteor!"

(Just imagine All Might's Caralina smash from the first movie, but stronger looking)

This used up a lot of his power, which caused him to go unconscious.  The Ship flew into the slash that was made, scooping up Izuku along the way.  A few moments later, Izuku woke up on the floor, surrounded by those that went with him.

"Are you ok man?"  Shosuke asked, helping him up.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine.  I've just never used that much of my power.  I can still feel the power flowing through me, but it's a lot weaker than before.  We need to hurry this mission along before it's too late."  Izuku said, standing up.

"For now, you should just relax.  We don't want you going overboard with that power.  You did good out there man."  Shoto said in a friendly tone, earning a scowl from Katsumi.

"He's right.  We'll be there in approximately 1 hour.  Take this time to rest."  Genos confirmed.

"Yeah, you guys are right.  I wouldn't want to be useless when I'm needed the most.  If you need me, I'll be on the Under-Bridge."  Izuku said with a tired smile.

And so, the group dispersed, and went on to do what they wanted to do for the hour.  Although, Katsumi wanted to have a word with Shoto about something important before the mission continued.  She followed him into one of the rooms at the back of the ship, and saw him looking through the things they brought for the journey.

"What are you up to?"  Katsumi asked, startling Shoto.

"K-Katsumi, I didn't see you there.  I'm just looking for something to eat.  You never know when we'll get the chance to eat good food after."  Shoto said, earning a chuckle from Katsumi.

"At this rate, there won't be any natural food to eat on the planet, never mind good food."  Katsumi joked, to which Shoto laughed.

"Yeah."  Shoto said.

Katsumi then looked at Shoto who had a glimpse of sadness in his eyes.

"Shoto.  If I didn't know better, I would think that you were actually serious about being nice to him."  Katsumi said, snapping Shoto.

"Of course I wasn't serious!  We both know why we said those things."  Shoto said in an angered tone.

"Really?  You've looked rather concerned for him over the past while.  You were so quick to wanting to help him fight that Robot that Azazel reprogrammed back at I-Island, and you were the one who suggested that he rests to get his energy back."  Katsumi said in a suspicious voice.

"Shut your mouth!  I said that to make him think we actually thought of him as an equal.  When the timing is right, we'll drop him.  The more we use our power, the stronger we get.  The more he uses his power, the weaker he gets.  It's only a matter of time."  Shoto said, switching from an angry voice to a calmer voice.

"We'll see that you prove that.  I'll be on the bridge."  Katsumi said, walking away.

"For Cozaos."  Shoto said.

"For Outer-Space."  Katsumi said.

"For the Dark Fenikkusu Empire."  The both said.

On the other side of the ship, Izuku was staring out into space, looking at how far they've travelled.  Shortly after, Shosuke walked in, and decided to join him.

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