Ch:1 Pt:6 The Attack on the U.S.J

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Everything went normally after the training a few days ago. Until of course, the press tried to get an interview from the teachers and students of U.A and even trespassed to get it. The most confusing part of the whole issue, is that the gate looked as if it was decayed by a quirk. The heroes are still looking for anyone with that quirk to take them in for questioning. I was voted class rep of 1A, but I didn't find it fun, so I handed it over to Iida, because if anyone was capable of being a rep, it was him.

"Hey Useless Deku! In case you didn't know, we got into U.A! Not like it was much of a surprise." Izumi said to Izuku as she walked down the stairs.

"G-good job Izumi." Izuku fake stuttered.

"What are you doing down here any way? It's 6:30?" Izumi asked confused.

"I-im going to Sho's house. I might spend the night there." Izuku replied, trying not to blow his cover.

"Whatever. I'm in a good mood this morning, so I won't beat you up, so if I were you I wouldn't come back today." Izumi threatened.

"O-ok." Izuku replied.

~~~~~T.S to Shosuke's house~~~~~

"Come on man, we're gonna be late!" Izuku shouted through the window.

"I am here!" Shosuke shouted as he walked out the door.

"Come on, let's get going!" Izuku said.

~~~~~T.S to class~~~~~

Thankfully, class started as soon as we walked in, so we weren't late. And I'm glad we weren't, otherwise we would've missed an important announcement. Today, we'll be going on a hero school trip to . . .

"The U.S.J?" Iida asked.

"Yes. There, we will be doing rescue training so that you will be ready to face any environment when the time comes. It will also help you learn to work in teams under stress. Get your costumes on and get to the bus. We leave in 10 minutes." Aizawa said in his monotone voice.

~~~~~T.S to changing room~~~~~

"So, when are you wanting to make the big reveal?" Shosuke whispered.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking of doing at graduation, to surprise Izumi and the other 4." Midoriya whispered back.

"But that's too long." Shosuke whispered back.

"What are you guys talking about over there?" Kaminari asked.

"Huh? Oh, n-nothing. Saitama just wanted to asked me something, and he isn't capable of talking in a normal tone." Shosuke replied.

"Oh, ok." Kaminari replied.

~~~~~T.S to the bus~~~~~

"Saitama, I'm gonna get some sleep. I barely got any last night, so just call me if you need anything." Shosuke said.

"o-ok." Midoriya replied quietly.

5 seconds later, Shosuke was knocked out.

"Hey Saitama? I wanted to ask about your quirk. Kero." Asui said.

Midoriya nods and signals her to ask the question.

"What is it? Is it a super strength, or a super enhancer? The entire class has a bet on what it is. Kero." Asui asked.

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