Ch: 2 Pt: 5 It's Yours

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'When Izuku killed our family, my father was still alive, surprisingly.  Someone saw the destruction, and called an ambulance and the police.  The thing is, our memory was wiped, so I didn't remember him, and I'm glad I didn't.  Maybe we'll meet some day again.  Because now, I remember everything.'  She thought to herself as she looked at Re-Destro.

'At that time, deep down, I wanted to be the one to kill my father.  But, I'm glad Izuku did, it seemed like he needed it more.  Seeing my family on the ground in clumps strangely made my heart lighter, I don't really see that to be a tragedy.'  She thought to herself as she remember her house being destroyed.

"It's as if I was destined to destroy things.  I don't need a future.  The other league members can do as they please when this is all over."  She said as she gripped the hand of her father, and watched as it decayed in her hand.

"I won't be needing this any more!"  She shouted as she crushed the hand, causing it to break in to pieces.

"Stress 100%!"  Re-Destro shouted as he jumped at Izumi, who managed to hit his hand just before the attack.

'That's what it was supposed to be . . .'  Re-Destro said to himself, as his attack was completely negated.

"If I destroy the attack before the end of the swing, then it isn't much."  Izumi said as she walked up to Re-Destro, with very few injuries, the biggest one being a broken leg.

"Your just big.  I understand.  Destroying the things that you hate with everything you got is pretty fun, isn't it?"  Izumi asked as she stopped in front of him.

"My power is a means to an end!"  Re-Destro said as he pressed a button on his side, which sent pieces of a suit into the sky.

"To liberate people!  To carry out Destro's will!"  He shouted as he looked into the sky, preparing to suit up.

'What is this strange feeling?  These pulses that have been coming in waves.  Fear?  No, that can't be it.  I can transform fear into power as well.  Then why . . .'  Re-Destro said to himself as the suit began to form around him.

"You look to be held back by something."  Izumi said, standing there, menacingly.

'Why is my stress receding?'  Re-Destro asked himself.

"Burden-Amplifying Steel Pressure Mechanism:  Claustro!"

"Stress 150%!"  He shouted as the suit began to clamp into his body.

"Oh, nice one."  Izumi said, admiring the suit.

Once he was done suiting up, Re-Destro threw a punch at Izumi, who quickly grabbed it, and destroyed the hand with Decay.  To prevent her from destroying the rest of the suit, Re-Destro used a built in thruster in the suit to jump backwards.

"150% you say?  So that sort of like plus ultra.  How I hated the catchphrase."  Izumi said as she looked at him fly back, all while Gigantomachia got closer to her.

"Not suppression, liberation.  Being allowed to use our meta abilities freely is a natural human right."  Re-Destro said.

'After suffering, and awakening, it's as if she's . . .'  Re-Destro said to himself as Izumi placed her hand on the ground, destroying the area in front of her.

' . . . been liberated of everything.'  Re-Destro said to himself, as Izumi put on a wide smile.

'I see now.  This throbbing in my chest . . .'  Re-Destro said to himself, as the decay made contact with the foot of the suit.

"If I can get out of it's range . . ."  Re-Destro said, as he jumped off the ground, while the Decay on the ground grew much larger quickly.

Izumi's smile then grew much bigger, and she then began to laugh at what she was doing.  As the Decay went on, she began to bleed from the nose, and her skin started to crack, and from the cracks, she began to bleed.  The Decay began to grow so strong, that all the buildings surrounding the area had begun to decay at an alarming rate as well.  Giganto had stopped, and watched in shock at the current situation, watching as the person he thought of as weak, was destroying the area with what looked to be ease.  Izumi's arm then turned a bit grey, and a sudden burst of dust went into her face, and when the small bit of dust settled, her hair went from green, to white in an instant.

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