Ch:1 Pt:39 A Gentle Criminal and a Troubled Hero

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And so, the next couple of days were pretty quiet.  Mei Hatsume from support class found out about the injurie that Shosuke got, so she took it upon herself to make him a temporary prosthetic arm.  He couldn't use his fire with it, and it couldn't lift heavy items, but it would do until he got the new arm from David Shield.  After that, our class decided that they wanted to do something big for the festival, but we didn't know what we wanted to do.  After some thinking, arguing, relationship mending and more arguing, we finally got the idea to do a song about heroism.  And we all decided who was going to sing, dance and play the instruments.  Jiro was a bit hesitant at doing the singing, but she eventually decided to go along with it.  Everything was going great, everyone got a part, even Katsuki and Katsumi.  So, everything seemed like it was going to plan, until the classes energized pink one decided to say something that rocked Izuku to the core.

"Hey!  Midoriya and Katake!  You guys play instruments too right?"  She asked.

"Y-yeah."  Izuku said.

"Well, why don't we do two performances?  You and Katake can do a separate performance!"  Mina said excitedly.

"W-Wait, I-I've never really did a performance in front of people before!"  Izuku said quickly.

"Well, I don't see why not.  How about you guys give us a quick show of what you got.  We've got a few instruments here, so pick your pick."  Jiro said as she walked over to the instruments.

"I like that idea."  Shosuke said as he went over to the instruments.

He first went over to the drums and played a little beat with it, and then he played a small riff with the guitar and finished with a note from the piano.  Needless to say, the majority of the class were impressed.  They then looked over to Izuku, who seemed incredibly nervous.

"I-I don't know.  I-I'd probably just be a nervous wreck up there."  Izuku said.

"Come on Izuku.  I've heard you sing and play instruments like a professional before.  Your the one who got me into playing music, come on."  Shosuke said as he gave the guitar to Izuku.

"You mean it?"  Izuku asked.

"Definitely.  Besides, if were gonna do this, you'll need to sing.  I think we can both agree that I'm terrible at singing."  Shosuke said with a chuckle.

At that sentence, Izuku, Shotara, Shoto and Katsumi laughed a small bit, since there the only ones who've heard him sing before.

"O-Ok, I'll give it a try."  Izuku said as he got the guitar from Shosuke. 


It took, one look, then forever laid out in front of me.

One smile, then I died, only to be revived by you.

There I was, thought I had everything figured out.

Goes to show just how much I know, about the way life, plays out.

Izuku then took a few seconds pause, and then continued.

I take, one step, away.

Then I find myself coming back, to you,

My one and only, one and only you . . . ooh . . .

After that, he stopped and looked up to his fellow classmates, hoping that he did ok.  And the reaction he got was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.  (😉)

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