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Kageyama looked left and then right before leaving his house. He pulled up his hood and lowered his head, hoping and praying no one would recognize him in his disguise until he reached his school.

Unfortunately for him, he wasn't so lucky today. He flinched when a high pitch voice called his name. The raven haired boy started running, the girl hot on his tail.

"TOBIO-KUN! DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME!" His ex girlfriend Mei screamed in anger. "Kageyama Tobio!" She yelled again.

This pushed the setter to run faster. He knew it was pathetic, running away from a girl. But that wasn't just any girl.

That was his obsessive ex girlfriend, and she practices judo.

Relief flooded in Kageyama as he saw his school, and there was Hinata waiting for him by the gates. He'll be safer if he's with the rest of the team, she wouldn't dare approach him if she's outnumbered. They all knew her and they all didn't like her.

Well except for Tanaka, who apparently found her cute.

"Kageyama! You're late" Hinata scolded with a pout. Kageyama literally picked the orange head up and ran to the building.

"Kageyama! Why are you ru-" Hinata stopped talking and gulped when he recognized Kageyama's crazy ex. "Run faster Kageyama! Run faster! The demon's after us!" Hinata hugged Kageyama's back tightly (Author: Kageyama threw him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes)

This isn't how he imagined his morning would be! Kageyama smiled in relief when he reached the court, and slammed the door shut, putting Hinata down who was shaking to his knees. "Why did you ever date her in the first place?!"

"She came up to me and asked me out" Kageyama responded, panting as the adrenaline wore off. "I got surprised and stupidly said yes"

He guessed the relationship wasn't that bad at first. Mei was his first girlfriend, she was sweet to him. But she was also obsessive and jealous, it was suffocating being with her. She wanted to know where he was and who he was with.

She also didn't liked Volleyball, preferring tennis instead.

Kageyama, with the encouragement from Hinata, Nishinoya, Suga, and Daichi, finally broke up with Mei two months ago.

She seemed fine with it at first, understanding even. But two days later she was banging on his door and demanding he take her back or there will be dire consequences.

"She took you to see wedding gowns on your third date!" Hinata reminded. "That was a red flag! An obvious red flag"

They heard loud bangings from the door and Kageyama and Hinata looked at each other. "You need to find a way to get rid of her for good" Hinata gulped and hid behind Kageyama when another bang was heard. "How?" Kageyama demanded.

"Confront her that what she's doing is wrong! Tell her you have a new girlfriend-"


Hinata jumped in fear. "Tell her you're in a relationship and you're super into it and happy! Really happy! And that if she really does care for you she'd let your be happy"

Kageyama released a breath when the banging stopped. The door opens to reveal coach Ukai and Sugawara.

After practice, Kageyama decided to follow through with Hinata's advice and confront Mei.

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