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Rei fiddled with the recorder in his hand as he laid in bed that night, he had a lot on his mind.


Three days later

Tobio had a pretty uneventful three days of school. Mei didn't bother him those three days, and Tooru couldn't take him out to dates because of conflicting schedules with volleyball practices. Tooru was taking practices more seriously these days, he was preparing for the nationals.

Tobio felt proud of Tooru, and he of course doesn't plan to get left behind, so he's getting serious with practice too. Not that he wasn't before, but his teammates noticed a change in him. "Do you think he'll go back to 'barking' out orders like some king?" Kei asked his boyfriend one day during breaks. "I mean look at him, he's back to treating the court like it's a battlefield"

"Because it is a battlefield!" Hinata pouted. His boyfriend raised a brow at him. "And Kageyama's not going back to being that kind of a king-"

"Why do you still call him king?" Kei muttered in jealousy.

Shoyo blinked at his blonde boyfriend, then realization hit him. "Ara~ Kei, are you jealous?" He teased.

"No" Kei pushed Shoyo's face away from his.

"You are aren't ya?" Shoyo grinned. "Because I pay attention to Kageyama and respect him a lot, and because he's my best friend" hoping to gain more of a reaction from Kei he added "And my favorite setter"

"And what about me?" Kei demanded. Shoyo snickered "You're a blocker Kei"

"What if I changed positions?" Kei glared at him.

Shoyo snickered, before bursting out laughing. He grabbed onto Kei's collar, pulled on him, and forced the blonde's head down so he could kiss him(Author: They were sitting on the ground that was why Hinata was able to reach his collar)

Kei melted into the kiss but he was still feeling annoyed(mostly at himself for falling for this tangerine). But that annoyance faded away when he felt Shoyo cupping his cheeks. Just as Kei was about to deepen the kiss, Shoyo pulled away, blushing slightly he said "You don't need to be jealous, you're my favorite person Kei" he kissed the corners of the blonde's lips. "Kageyama might be the king of the court but you're the king of my world" he grinned.

Kei rolled his eyes at the cheesy dialogue, but he nevertheless appreciated it.

Meanwhile, Kageyama was watching their exchange from across the gym. He bit the inside of his lip as he imagined him and Tooru doing the same exchanges. He snickered to himself, since he basically just replaced Hinata and Tsukishima with himself and Tooru.


The painfully long hours passed on, and it was now the end of the school day.

Kageyama wanted to practice more serves but he received a message from Tooru telling him to meet him at the front gates because he wanted to take him to a new restaurant.

"Any plans Kageyama-kun?" Sugawara asked.

"Tooru's taking me on a date" Kageyama responded, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

"Where to?" Suga asked curiously.

"A new restaurant" Kageyama said, pulling off his sweaty uniform and taking out a new one from his locker.

"Restaurants are usually formal you know" his senpai said to him. "Why not dress up a bit? You're not going to a new restaurant in just your uniform right?" Suga eyed him up and down.

"I--I don't have anything else" Kageyama looked inside his locker.

Suga smiled before going to his own locker, opening it, and pulling out a dark blue button up shirt and tossing it to Kageyama who caught it with ease. "Try it on" Suga suggested.

Hesitantly, the black haired boy put it on and it fit him quite snugly. Which surprised him because he was sure he and Suga had different sizes.

"Ignore the fact that I have a spare, brand new shirt that's your size hidden in my locker" Suga suddenly sounded defensive. "You can have it, go on"

Before Kageyama could protest, not that he was gonna, he was pushed outside by Suga. "You don't need to change pants either, no one will notice your slacks are uniform because that shirt goes well with anything" he assured.

"Thanks Senpai" Kageyama bowed respectfully.

Suga just smiled and waved at him, watching his kouhai walk away.


Mei was looking for Kageyama because she wanted to apologize to him for the stunt she pulled.

Because the gym was locked now, and everyone else had gone home, Mei figured she should go visit his house and see if he was already there. Even if he wasn't yet, she can just wait for him outside.

She was on her way back to the gates, when she saw Kageyama standing there.

She smiled and was about to call out to him

But then Oikawa walked up to him, pulled him to his body and then kissed His cheek

But then Oikawa walked up to him, pulled him to his body and then kissed His cheek

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Mei cringed. "Cute, but cringey" she muttered.

"Tobio-chan, you got dressed up for me?" Tooru surveyed him up and down.

"Does it look bad?" Tobio hesitantly asked.

"No! You look handsome as ever" Tooru smirked before leaning to Tobio and whispering something that Mei didn't hear, but it made Tobio blush and punch his arm.

The two walked together hand in hand.

And Mei felt something in her snap. She felt really mad and jealous, she decided to wants Kageyama back. She still has feelings for him

She has to break them apart

(Rei: drama drama drama the climax is comin' and I can finally prove my importance to the story and not just be some weird, creepy guy who imitates Oikawa and has a liking for Kageyama!)

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