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"You wanted to see me?" Kageyama sits down in front of the vice principal. Their Principal was on leave that day and has left the VP in charge.

Kageyama was nervous because he knew the vice principal didn't like him that much because of....well, because of certain incidents with the VP's wig. Almost everytime he meets with the vice principal something happens that causes the man's wig to fly off his head, revealing the man's shiny bald head.

What could the man want to see him for?

"Listen I'm new to these modern couples but we need to clear something up" the VP began. It was then Tobio noticed the colorful badge that was pinned on the man's chest, most probably forcibly pinned by Mei.

Panic welled up in Tobio. "No! No sir please don't make me drop out of Volleyball! I demand my rights!" He shouted.

"Drop out? Of course not!" The vice principal snorted. "I know almost all the members of your volleyball team is gay. Everyone does, and this has made our school all the more popular"

Tobio couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What did you just say?"

"But what really made us popular is the fact that you are dating the captain of Aoba Johsai!" Leaning on his desk the man patted Kageyama's shoulder supportively. "Our school is the first to have an almost all gay team, and with one of the members dating the captain of a popular rival school, our popularity has risen up the pole"

"That's great but can I go now?" Kageyama was relieved he get to stay in Volleyball but he suddenly felt tired just talking to the Vice principal. He was glad that their vice was not homophobic though.

"Of course" he waved a hand to dismis him. Kageyama stood up and left the office.

"Let me know if anyone messed with you Kageyama-kun! I'll deal with them!" The vice called to him

"And stay gay!" He added before Kageyama slammed the door.

Meanwhile, in Aoba Johsai, Oikawa was not at the top of his game that day. He was distracted, that much his team could tell, but no one confronted him about it either.

No one except for Iwaizumi who's patience had finally snapped and he threw a ball at Oikawa and it hit him square in the face.

"Owe! Iwa-chan!" Oikawa rubbed his jaw, pouting. Iwazumi was clearly not impressed, and called for a break.

Hajime sat beside Tooru who gulped his water like a man who's been in the desert for days. Iwaizumi was glaring suspiciously at him.

"What?" Tooru finally asked.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing" Tooru shrugged.

"You've been spending a lot of time with a certain black haired crow lately" Iwazumi casually said.

"Ahh, Tobio-chan you mean?" Oikawa suddenly brightened. "I guess I have, though it's to be expected with our relationship"

"Relationship?" The half filipino looked at him incredulously.

"Didn't I tell you?" Oikawa suddenly looked smug. "Tobio-chan and I are dating"

"what did you do to make him agree to date you?" Iwaizumi asked suspiciously. Oikawa looked at him offended, but Hajime just shrugged. "Don't look at me like that, I'm just curious on how it happened" he was just teasing Oikawa, but he really was curious how they came to be, he thought Oikawa hated Kageyama. Maybe he was wrong all along.

Tooru ignore him, and was now focused on his phone.

Iwaizumi peeked, and saw Oikawa was texting Kageyama. He snorted when he read Kageyama's name in the contacts

My Tobio-chan

"Points for Kageyama if he lasts a week with you" Hajime laughs, earning himself a glare and a pout from his friend. "Unless you've been dating for far longer than that now?" Hajime raised a brow.

"No, we've only been together two days" Oikawa answered.

"Who made the first move?"

Oikawa pointed proudly at himself. "Me of course"

Iwaizumi snorted, earning himself a smack on the shoulder from his friend. "Yeah right"

"It's true!"


Oikawa rolled his eyes before standing up and calling. "Break's over!"

(Author: When I found out Iwaizumi is half filipino like me, he instantly became one of my favorites)

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