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"I-it's pretty high up" Tooru muttered as they slowly went higher and higher.

The moon had now reached the top of the sky and it's brilliant glow casted all over the city. There were very few stars that night but Tobio knew his fireworks display will make up for the few stars. He just hoped Tooru would like it.

"Hey! Tobio-chan look I can see my house from here!" Tooru tapped the glass window, pointing at the direction of his house.

Tobio squinted his eyes and, sure enough, in the distance he could see Tooru's house.

For a while, the two were silent. Not an awkward sort of silence but one of comfort and relaxation. They basked in the silence and enjoyed the knowledge that the other was there with them.

Tobio's eyes kept darting to his wrist watch, counting the minutes till it reaches 8.

"I have something for you" Tooru suddenly said, reaching for something in his pocket.

"Don't you think the stuffed toys you won for me are enough gifts?" Tobio chuckled, sitting down and pulling out a crow plushie from the plastic bag.

Tooru just smiled fondly at him.

That smile made Tobio's heart clench. Because really! Tooru smiled at him as if he meant the entire world to him! Is he really just acting his role as his fake boyfriend?

Or does Tooru like him genuinely?

"No, stop fooling yourself Tobio, of course he doesn't. Not in that way" the raven haired boy snapped at himself in his thoughts. "Tooru's had girlfriends before, and why would he ever like you like that? You're only getting your hopes up"

And besides. When this is all over, Tooru will stop treating him this way. They'll go their separate ways and the only thing of Tooru left for Tobio would be their memories. "Hey" Tooru sat down beside Tobio, cupping his cheek gently. "What's wrong Tobio?"

"Huh? Nothing" he denied.

"You frown too much and you'll get wrinkles" Tooru parted Tobio's brows with his fingers. "Show me a smile would'ja? Come on, smile for me Tobio!" He pinched Tobio's cheeks and pulled on them, making them swell and turn red.

Tooru pouted when he received, not a smile like he wanted, but an annoyed look from Tobio. "Hmm.." he hummed, thinking what could make his precious Tobio smile for him like while they were down there playing games at the booths and riding the rides.

Then he reached for his pocket and pulled out the loom band bracelet he made for him.

"Here" he said, showing Tobio the bracelet. "I made it for you"

Tobio felt heat rise in his cheeks. Now they were even redder than before, and not because Tooru pinched his cheeks. "For...me?" He repeated slowly.

"Yep! Here" he reached for Tobio's hand and slipped the bracelet on.

Tobio then noticed the colors were a mixture of Karasuno's and Aoba johsai. "I--Umm..thank you" he stammered, looking at the bracelet in adoration.

"Wear it always" Tooru suddenly sounded serious. "Even..even when our two months is up, please wear that bracelet always" Tooru placed a hand on Tobio's cheek, and then pulled him slightly closer, their lips teasingly brushing against each other. Tobio swallowed a lump in his throat.

"T-Tooru.." Tobio stammered nervously.

"Promise me" Tooru whispered.


There was the sounds of fireworks exploding. Colorful lights lit up the night sky, bursting in many different colors.

"I promise" Tobio managed to say before Tooru's attention was drawn to outside the cart.

"Wow" Tooru oohed at the fireworks.

"They made it" Tobio chuckled, looking at his watch. Tooru looked at Tobio in surprise. "Tobio-chan...did you plan this?" He pointed at the outside, at the beautiful fireworks lighting up the dark night.

Tobio just managed a shy smile, making him look even more endearing in Tooru's eyes. "Happy one month anniversary?"

Tooru laughed, before grabbing Tobio's shoulders and pulling him to his chest, before kissing him sweetly. Tobio's eyes widened in surprise, but he eventually melted into the kiss.

They could hear screaming outside. Maybe the people were enjoying it too much? Doesn't matter! Tooru was kissing him!

"I'm sorry for breaking a rule Tobio-chan" Tooru whispered with a deep chuckle, kissing Tobio's forehead. "But I couldn't help myself, you made me fall for you even more!"

"Fall for me even more?" Tobio repeated in confusion.

Soon, their cart reached the ground and it was time for them to get out. Tooru looked deliriously happy while Tobio was dazed with confusion, and his heart was racing making his breathing uneven.

When they got out of the cart though, the sight before them was....

Well there was a game booth that was on fire, and people were screaming and running and trying to put the fire out.

"What the fu-" Tobio and Tooru started.

Among the crowd they could see Nishinoya and Tanaka running with buckets and trying to help put out the fire.

When his senpais caught sight of him though, they gave him guilty smiles, thumbs ups, and then returned to trying to put out the fire.

My Tobio-chan (Oikage Completed)Where stories live. Discover now