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At eight pm, Tooru was hunched over his desk(he did a bit of spring cleaning so hurray for him no more cockroaches!)

Doing his math homework, when he heard his mother holler "Tooru! There are four boys here for you!"

"Four?" He ran out of his room and down the stairs to see Hajime, Kei, Shoyo and Rei standing in his living room with his mother serving them tea.

Shoyo grins lopsidedly and waves at him, then pulls his blonde boyfriend into view.

"You have friends aside from Hajime?" His father looked impressed.

"Of course I do!" Tooru said, feeling offended. "Well, introduce us to them" His mother said, smiling. Tooru nodded "The short one with the orange hair is Hinata Shoyo"

"Hi" Shoyo smiled, respectfully nodding at the older couple.

"The blonde with the crappy glasses is his boyfriend Tsukishina Kei"

"Yours is crappier" Kei muttered annoyed.

"And the other blonde" he eyed Rei warily, who looked so damned innocent and respectful he wanted to grab that 'respectful mask' of his and shove it down his throat. "Is Tokoto Rei"

"Pleasure" Rei said, eyes closed, smiling.

His parents made small talk with the group, before Tooru explains that they were having a sleep over and briskly told them not to bother them. "Come on guys, my room is this way" he said, grabbing Shoyo by the scruff of his neck and Kei by his arm and proceed to drag them with him. Rei meanwhile walked leisurely behind them.

"Hey! Your room isn't a garbage dump at all" Shoyo commented once inside. Tooru glared at the shorter male. "What?"

Hajime chuckled.

"Tobio said that when he first came here your room looked like a tornado threw up in here" Shoyo explained. "Well" Tooru pouted. "I did a little spring cleaning" he sat on his bed. "About fucking time" Hajime commented, sitting on the foot of the bed.

Kei sat on the love seat pressed beside the bed, Shoyo lounged on the floor by his boyfriend's legs, and Rei took to sitting on top of Tooru's desk as if he owned it.

"Sure just... Make yourself at home" Tooru muttered, glaring at Rei who's ass was on his desk, flipping through his notebook. The blonde put down the notebook and smiled at him "Sure thing buddy"

"So what's the plan?" Shoyo chimed. "The footage thing, breaking and entering---I assume we have a full length plan aside from those two sentences?"

Kei raised a brow at Tooru, expression expectant.

Tooru and Rei became silent.

Shoyo groaned

Hajime sighed, irritated. "Of course they don't have an actual plan"

Kei glared at them

"What's the plan?" The blonde repeated. "Don't tell me you were just gonna half ass your way through this, pray to Kami for luck and hope for the best?"

"Shut up! Of course not!" Tooru snapped.

"If we get caught, we'll get suspended, expelled, or worse!" Shoyo fearfully said.

"What could possibly be worse than those two you just listed?" Rei asked the orange haired boy.

"Kicked off the team duh!" Shoyo looked at the blonde exasperated, as if what he just asked was the stupidest thing he's ever heard. Rei resisted the urge to make fun of the orange haired boy and took to rolling his eyes instead. "I assume volleyball is his life" he thought.

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