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"Where did you go?! Why didn't either of you reply to my texts?! What the hell were you two doing didn't we agree that where you two go I GO TOO!! Tobio-kun you promised I could third wheel--In fact it's part of the agreement--WE MADE A DEAL!! Are you two even listening?! Oikawa-san! can you stop hogging Tobio-kun all to yourself?! I understand he's your boyfriend now but I'm still his friend and he and I had a past together! Hey! Are you two even listening?!"

After Mei tackled them to the ground, she expressed her anger at them by calling them little shits, and dragged them inside Tobio's house. Apparently Tobio forgot to lock his door, something Tooru plan to scold him for later, after they dealt with Mei.

"Mei-" Tobio started

"What?!" Mei snapped.

Tooru threw Mei a glare. "We understand you're upset with us because we didn't respond to any of your texts but, today is our one month anniversary, and we wanted a day alone together without you or anyone else following us around" the brunet smiled at her, but she understood it wasn't a friendly smile.

"And, I don't appreciate the way you talked to my Tobio-chan, Tokoto-san. Why are you so rude?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be" Mei bit the inside of her cheek before slumping down to sit on the loveseat across from them. "I just...when Tobio didn't respond to my texts I got worried that something happened to him. And then that worry turned to anger pretty soon"

"Nothing bad will happen to Tobio as long as I'm here" Tooru assured. This caused Tobio to blush, especially when Tooru threw him a sideward glance. "I assure you that" this time Tooru was looking directly at him.

"Awwe, that's sweet" Mei cooed, beaming at them.

"Mei, I'm sorry if I broke our agreement today. But I had to-" Tobio scratched his cheek, avoiding Tooru's eyes. "Uhh, give Tooru special privileges" he heard Tooru chuckle, and he felt his hand brush his leg.

"You never gave me special privileges" Mei pouted.

"I wouldn't give you special privileges either, crazy girl" Tooru thought.

"But don't worry, this won't happen again" Tobio assured Mei. "It better not" the girl crossed her arms. "Besides Tobio-kun, it's only two months. And you've already made it past the first month" Mei twirled a lock of her hair between her fingers. "What's one more month of me coming between you going to hurt?"

"Coming between us?" Tooru frowned.

"I--Sorry, I should have worded that differently. But you understand me right? I meant, what's one more month if me being there going to hurt, right?" Mei smiled awkwardly.

Tooru was still looking at her suspiciously.

"A-anyway, I guess...I should go now um" she stood up. "Happy monthsary to you two, Tobio-kun, Oikawa-san"

"I should go too" Tooru stood up as well.

"I'll walk you two out" Tobio followed their lead.

He walked his boyfriend and ex to the door and, waved goodbye to them as they left his house.

Tooru smiled proudly when he saw the loom bad bracelet his Tobio wore. It made his heart do backflips in his chest.

"Let me walk you home Tokoto-san" he offered, jogging to catch up to Mei. "The streets can be dangerous at night, especially for young girls"

Mei snorted. "I can take care of myself Oikawa-san, I may look fragile but I can beat two grown men up. I take my judo classes very seriously, and I've recently taken up kick boxing"

"I see" Was all Tooru said. "Still, it would put me at ease to see you get home safely"

Mei spared him a quick glance. "Do whatever you want"

For a while, the two walked in silence. Tooru had his hands in his pockets, while Mei had both her hands holding the straps of her bag.

"Hey" Mei spoke again after a while. "Uhhh..How long have you been dating Tobio?"

"A week after you two broke up, I asked him out and he said yes" Tooru lied. "Why?"

"Tobio-kun and I....if I add this month then....me and him broke up three months ago"

Tooru bit his lip, turning his head to the side and watching the houses they passed. "And?"

"You said today is your one month anniversary. But if you two got together two weeks after me and Tobio broke up them shouldn't it be your third month or something?" Mei gave him an accusatory look.

"It's a mistake" Tooru quickly said.

"What is? you need to be more clear Oikawa-san"

Tooru didn't like Mei's icy tone, it made him uncomfortable, and made him dislike her even more. He's never heard her speak so coldly before, no matter how much she disliked seeing him with Tobio.


"Oh look! My house!" As if a switch was flipped, Mei returned to her bubbly persona. She jogged towards her house and waved good bye to Tooru.

"Thanks for walking me home Oikawa-san! And again, I'm sorry for my outburst earlier, I just really care for Tobio-kun and..I suppose, for you too" with a quick smile to him, she pushed open the gate and disappeared inside the Tokoto compound.

My Tobio-chan (Oikage Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat