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Soon, Tobio found himself sitting infront of the principal, with a sobbing Mei sitting beside him.

"Tokoto-san, can you explain to us again what happened?" The principal asked gently. "Kageyama-kun you're not permitted to talk until Tokoto-san is finished"

Not like Tobio could talk anyway. He was too shocked and confused to form proper words.

"You know how Tobio-kun's struggling with specific subjects? W-well I offered t-to tutor him" Mei hiccuped between sobs.

"So we went to my house to study. It was empty because my parents aren't home, he must have thought he could take advantage of the time we were alone, so-"

"That's bullshit!" Tobio snapped.

"Kageyama-kun! You're not permitted to speak yet" The principal glared at him warningly. He looked at Tokoto kindly "Continue my dear"

"Thank you" Mei nodded. "Anyway we were right in the middle of studying when he suddenly said that, it felt normal, being together in my room studying, he said he used to feel uncomfortable but now it felt right"

Tobio tried to open his mouth to protest but the principal gave him a look, silencing him.

"We started reminiscing the times we were together, and he told me he missed me so much. He said he still has feelings for me, but I reminded him he's dating Oikawa-san. He said he's not really dating him and that the relationship is fake, I asked him why he would fake date Oikawa-san and he said it was because he needed a reason to break up with me! He said I'm creepy and weird but now he feels he really does love me and accepts all my quirks...He said he wants me back but I told him no" Mei paused for dramatic effect, and the boy sitting next to her glared at her

"The next t-thing I know he was all over me!" She cries "He pressed his lips against me and pinned me to the bed, and when I tried to push him off he punched my neck!-"

The principal squirmed, uncomfortable, and glared at the shocked Tobio

"And I was crying and telling him to stop but he kept kissing me and-" the girl started crying again. Tobio felt his stomach twist, and he looked at the principal.

"Thank you Tokoto-san" he said gently, handing her tissues. She wiped her eyes and nose and straightened herself. "May I please go now? I...I don't want to be in the same room as him" she threw a side glance at Tobio

"Yes yes you may go Tokoto-san, I've called your parents to pick you up, it seems you're too emotionally unstable to stay" he said. Mei nodded and stood up, shot Tobio one last look, and left

"Now, Kageyama-kun-"

"She's lying!" Tobio was quick to say. "She's lying, what she spouted was complete and utter bullshit, she was the one who said it felt normal to be together alone in her room, she's angry I didn't take her back, she forced her damned tongue down my fucking throat!"

The principal sighed over this. "And your proof?"


"Kageyama-kun, we found hand signs of trauma in Tokoto-san's neck, it was too big to be a girl's hand and the angle it was suggests she really was assaulted-"

"But I would never do something like that!" Kageyama insist, sweating, his heart beating fast with anxiety.

"It's your word against hers" The principal said. "And...things are not looking good for you because half the student body is against you now, they hate you for humiliating Mei by pretending to be dating Oikawa Tooru from  Aoba Johsai, and then assaulting her-"

"I didn't assault her!" Kageyama yells, rising from his seat. "I never laid a finger on her! It's her! It's her who assaulted me, she hates me!"

"--We'll be looking into this matter more and-"

"--listen to me!"

"--you'll be suspended, Kageyama-kun, until further notice"

Tobio was heaving. He felt weak, and helpless, it angered and frustrated him to no end. "But-" he started, but he didn't no what else to say nor what to do next.

"I'll call your guardian to pick you up"

"No need" Tobio stormed out of the office

As soon as he was out of the principal's office he was met by Hinata, Tsukishima, Sugawara, Daichi, Noya and Tanaka. They all shared looks of worry and concern for him

"Don't worry Kageyama! We believe you" Hinata assured him.

"That bitch doesn't know who she's messing with" Noya added. "We'll help you clear your name"

"What happened in there?" Suga asked gently.

"I'm suspended" Tobio said weakly.

Hinata felt sorry for his friend, and frustrated at the situation. Everything was going so smoothly until now, what even went wrong? And how did Mei find out about the deal?

"I already texted your boyfriend what happened" Tsukishima said. "He'll be here soon, for you"

"And probably for Mei too" Noya grins. "Give her a piece of his mind!"

"It'll be bad for Oikawa-san though if he does anything brash" Daichi informed.

Kageyama grew worried for his boyfriend. What if Tooru's temper blows up and he hits Mei? That would make his situation worse.

"I'll go" Tobio said, heading out. "Thank you, I appreciate this" he smiled at his teammates.

He heads out of the school building, ignore the looks of disdain and mockery sent his way.

Once he was out of the building though, he saw Mei's cousin Ren leaning against the gate, arms crossed and staring at him.

"Rei" he acknowledges.

"Ahh...Tobio-chan~" The blonde smirked at him. "Rough morning?"

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