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Tobio's pillow was harder for some reason, but it wasn't uncomfortable. There was this soft thumping sound coming from it, and it was going to and down.

He felt something heavy on his back. He frowned, and cracked open one eye, coming face to face with a pink nipple. He almost screamed, and propped himself up on his elbows.

His gaze went up to the arm and up to the shirtless chest and then up to the sleeping face of one Oikawa Tooru.

Blood rushed to Tobio's face as he took in their position. "What the hell happened?" He remembered the party, and drinking a cup or two of some alcoholic beverage, and then talking to a stranger. He couldn't remember what topic they talked about but he felt it didn't matter.

"Hmm.." Tooru wrapped another arm around him and pulled him back to his chest, rolling to the side and spooning Tobio beneath him. "T-Tooru!" He gasped.

"Shush Tobio-chan, it's too early to be noisy" the sleepy Oikawa Tooru murmured, planting a soft kiss on his head before stilling. "It's eight o' clock" Tobio said, seeing the time on the wall clock.

"We have school!"

"Let's skip it"

"What about practice"

"We can make up to our teams tomorrow Tobio-chan" Tooru opened one eye and looked down at his pouting Tobio. He couldn't stop himself from kissing Tobio's eyes, nose, and forehead, restraining himself from kissing Tobio's tempting lips.

"He's being more affectionate and clingy today" Tobio thought. "Not that I mind it" he wanted more of Tooru's kisses all over his face.

"Hmm, what's with that look Tobio-chan? Want more kisses from me?" Tooru teased.

Tobio blushed darkly. "N-no! Of course not" he denied.

"He's adorable" Tooru thought before showering Tobio with kisses all over his face(avoiding his lips) and then down to his neck, tickling Tobio. The raven haired boy couldn't stop the little laughs that escaped him, pleading with Tooru to stop.

Tooru ignored his pleads and continued trailing his butterfly kisses all over Tobio's neck and collarbone(Tobio is also shirtless) tickling Tobio.

Eventually, Tooru did stop, much to Tobio's(secret) disappointment. "I'll make us breakfast" Tooru said smiling, getting out of bed.

Once Tobio was left alone in his room, he started to think.

Did something happen last night at the party?

And why were they both shirtless?

He was drunk, did anything escalate between him and Tooru?

Touching his neck, Tobio rushed out of bed and to his bathroom. He stared at his reflection, trying to determine anything that could hint at the two of them doing anything that could put Tooru in such a good mood that he's more touchy and playful.

Tobio blushed in realization that even if they did, he didn't at all minded. In fact he was quite disappointed at the lack of a hickey, at the lack of a mark of Tooru's claim on him.

"Pull yourself together Goddamn it" Tobio growled, splashing himself with cold water. "Reminder: This isn't a real relationship! After two months, we'll go our separate ways" he saddened at the thought of their 'relationship' ending. "Besides, he's probably just toying with you"

He shook his head roughly to clear the thoughts away.

"Tobio-chan! Breakfast is ready!" His Tooru called for him.

His Tooru?! When the hell did he start referring to him as his Tooru?!

"I'm screwed" Tobio covered his face with his hands, feeling his heart beating fast.

Maybe he was still drunk?

Yea that's it! He's probably not in his right mind because the alcohol is still affecting him even after hours has passed! He'll eat breakfast, drink two cups of coffee, shower, and maybe do some jogging. Anything to distract him from those thoughts.

"Yoo-hoo Tobio-chan! Breakfast is better served warm!"

Tobio sighed. "I'm coming down!" He called, leaving his room.

A little while later, Tobio was wolfing down his waffles, while Tooru watched him with a look of adoration as his boyfriend stuffed himself. "My Tobio-chan is so cute" he thought.

He noticed a crumb on the corner of Tobio's mouth, and without thinking, he leaned over and licked it off.

Tobio froze, his cheeks turning red.

Tooru wanted to kiss his cheeks that now resembled a tomato.

And so he did

They went out for a date a few hours later, and much to both their displeasure, they bumped into Mei.

My Tobio-chan (Oikage Completed)Where stories live. Discover now