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Truth be told Kageyama really didn't want to meet up with Mei, and almost went home but he was reminded of his miserable weeks. Looking over his shoulder all the time, running away because he's chased by thay crazy girl.

He wanted to end everything. Hinata's advice was risky but he didn't had any better ideas.

"Tobio-kun" Mei approached him with a furious scowl, a baseball bat in hand. "Mei" he acknowledged. "Listen, I want you to stop banging on my door every night and chasing me to school" he started, expression serious.

"But I thought we had a good thing going Tobio-kun, we were happy" Mei insisted. "You always enjoyed my company, you said so yourself!"

Kageyama was still eyeing her bat warily. "You're too controlling!" He snapped. "You always ask where I am and what I do, you even broke into my room once!"

"I got worried when you weren't answering my calls"

"I texted you that I wanted to sleep!" Kageyama rubbed his temple, this girl was giving him a headache. "Leave me alone already, I have someone else now"

"You do?!" Mei looked seriously pissed. "Who's the bitch?!" She swung her bat at Kageyama, who ducked and managed to avoid getting hit.

"Tell me!" She demanded.

"It's a guy!" Kageyama blurted. In the distance, his best friend Hinata who was hiding behind a tree with Noya, watched fearfully, looking very pale. "I think we should go help him" Shoyo whispered to his senpai.

"He looks fine" Noya insisted. "I mean she hasn't hit him with that bat yet" but just in case, the boys had their phones out ready to dial 911.

"A guy?" Mei stopped mid swing and stared at her ex with widened eyes. "As in you're in a relationship with a man?"

Kageyama didn't know what came over him to say he was with a man and not a woman, but it was too late to take it back. "Tobio-kun, you're gay?"

"Yes" Kageyama wanted to punch himself. "That's why we can't work. I thought dating you would help me but I was wrong, I'm sorry Mei, it's not you" stop talking! "It's me" did he seriously used the "it's not you it's me" line?!

"O-oh, I'm sorry" Mei dropped her bat.

Hinata and Noya breathed a sigh of relief.

But then Mei picked up her bat again and pointed it threateningly at Tobio. "Prove it"


"I said prove it! Show me pictures of you and your boyfriend! Let me meet him, show me images of you on a date with him!" Mei growled. "I'm giving you two months to prove to me that you're relationship is real! And I promise to leave you alone"

The girl began walking away. "Two months Tobio-kun! That's plenty of time to prove to me or else I will rearrange your entire face"

Kageyama stood there, stunned, wondering what the hell he just did.

"Girls are scary" he muttered.

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