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"It's really nice of Oikawa-san to agree to pretend to be your boyfriend Kageyama" Hinata observed, changing out of his sweaty uniform.

"I'm lucky he's not asking anything in return" Kageyama muttered. "He's been weirdly sweet to me"

Hinata snickered at his friend. "But you secretly like it" he teased. "Admit it, come on admit it!" The orange head poked the taller boy's back repeatedly, telling Tobio to admit he likes Oikawa's sweet treatment to him.

Well, because yes he does. But he'll never admit it out loud! Especially not to this dumbass tangerine.

"Oi Hinata" Tsukishima called. "Hurry up, we haven't got all day"

"Going on a date?" Kageyama asked the tangerine. Hinata blushed adorably, and started twiddling his fingers. "Well, um no. Tsukki's just going to show me this really nice place at the park that he found, so"

Kageyama smirked before aggressively rubbing Hinata's head, who screamed at him and thrashed in his arms. Eventually he let Hinata go and the orange head was quick to run towards his salty boyfriend, jumping on his back.

Tsukishima was quick to catch Hinata, glaring at him and telling him not to do that again. Hinata simply laughed and nuzzled his neck. The blonde rolled his eyes but did not drop his boyfriend. "See ya Kageyama!"

Kageyama simply nodded, watching the couple's retreating backs. He felt a small twinge of envy at them. Tsukishima and Hinata were so different and yet they looked so perfect together. Tsukishima may not admit it, but he was madly in love with the tangerine.

They can all see it in his eyes, he was whipped.

Kageyama was in a fake relationship, no feelings whatsoever. Oikawa probably doesn't like him that way, in fact the raven haired boy betted his entire fridge of fresh milk that Oikawa just agreed so Kageyama would owe him.

That's right, he just wants Kageyama to be indebt to him or something!

As the boy walked to the school gate, he stopped in his tracks when he saw a small crowd surrounding a certain someone. When Tooru saw him, he waved enthusiastically. "There's my cute boyfriend right there!" He told the students. "Tobio-chan!"

Kageyama blushed at the sudden attention. "Oikawa-san? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pick my boyfriend up from school of course" Tooru responded, swinging an arm around Kageyama. The girls cooed at them, while some of the guys rolled their eyes and snickered, pointing at Kageyama.

Oikawa noticed, and glared at the boys. They all nervously backed away.

"You two are so cute!" A blonde girl squealed. "Kageyama-kun looks small in your arms, oh! Can you pick him up? Is he light for you?"

"Of course he is" and without further ado, Tooru picked up the raven haired boy bridal style, further making the girls squeal. "Wh-what, Oikawa! Put me the fuck down!" Kageyama snapped out of embarrassment and anger.

"Oh look he's shy" one of his classmates teased.

"Not so tough now isn't he?" Kageyama heard a boy said in a mocking tone. The ravenette hit Oikawa's back. "Put. Me. Down" he said slowly, tone dead serious.

Oikawa blinked, before shrugging and dropping him.

Tobio adjusted his bag and began walking away. "Tobio-chan wait for me!" Oikawa followed after him.

"Maybe Mei-chan was right?"

"Oh please, did you see how uncomfortable Kageyama looked? Their relationship is just a front or something" an older boy said with disgust. "Fucking, homosexuals, gross"

The girls glared at the boy. One of them even cracked her knuckles. The boy gulped, and backed away in fear.

Meanwhile, with Kageyama and Oikawa.

Tobio was still red from embarrassment and he was a little ticked with Oikawa.

Tooru quietly walked beside him, no real destination in mind.

He felt bad for embarrassing his boyfriend, even though he really didn't mean to. So he decided he will make up for it.

"Are you hungry?" Oikawa asked. "There's a new restaurant not far from here"

Kageyama was about to decline, but his stomach made loud noises. Demanding to be fed. "Fine" he muttered, turning even redder. "Cute!" Tooru thought with glee. "Where is it?" Kageyama asked.

Oikawa linked arms with his boyfriend and led him to downtown.

(Author: I really really appreciate it if you'd always leave a comment. And a vote. Mostly comments, they make my day brighter ☺️. Thank you for reading and be patient for the next update)

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