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Tobio was barley paying attention in classes that day, but he was more psyched during practice.

And he barely grabbed Hinata's head and shouted at him. He smiled a lot more and seemed to have more patience for everyone, which, both relieved and served to freak the tangerine out, because what if he'll snap eventually?

"Kageyama's in a really good mood today" Sugawara mentions during break.

"Look at the guy, he's more focused than ever, he's confident and he hasn't hit Hinata in the head yet" Ennoshita added.

"FOR THE LAST TIME BOKE I'M FINE!!!" they heard Kageyama scream, having become fed up with Hinata constantly asking if he was feeling alright.

"Nevermind" Suga, Daichi, and Ennoshita sighed.

"Ouch! I was just being a concerned friend! Ouch!"

"Thanks for ruining my mood! Boke! Hinata! Boke!!" Kageyama's patience finally snapped, and he tried to hit Hinata, who ducked. The two continued to try and kick and hit each other, but they dodged each other's attacks.

"Should have just left him alone" Yamaguchi sighed.

Hours later, it was time for lunch. Tobio went to get his daily dose of milk from the vending machine.

When he got there, he saw a tall blonde boy leaning against the vending machine, a carton box of milk in hand, slurping the straw in an obnoxiously loud manner. He wasn't wearing Karasuno's uniform, so Tobio deduced the boy wasn't from his school.

Tobio couldn't understand why but he felt like he knew the blonde from somewhere.

When the blonde felt him watching, he turned around to face him. Dark eyes met light blue ones. The blonde smiled at him, expression friendly. "Hey there!" He greeted him. "Nice to see you again"

Tobio was confused. He looked around to see if the blonde was talking to someone else.

"Are you talking to me?" He asked, seeing as there was no one else around. The blonde chuckled. "Yeah" he confirmed.

Tobio approached him. "Could you, move aside?"

"Oh, sorry" the blonde stepped aside to let him get what he wanted.

"Uhh, do you know me?" Tobio found himself asking.

"I know you by face, just not your name. We met at Mei's party last month" the blonde answered. "Although you were incredibly drunk so you might not remember, but I never forget a face"

Tobio tried to recall that night's events. But he came up with nothing, his brain went blank. All he could recall was drinking a few cups and then everything turned dark. "I'm never getting drunk again" he thought.

"I'm Tokoto Rei" The blonde introduced himself.

"Tokoto? You have the same last name as Mei"

"We're cousins" The blonde explained. "I'm just visiting her school to see how she is!"

Tobio sipped his precious milk, as he tried to find the similarities between Mei and Rei. Appearance wise, the only thing they have in common are their smiles. Rei's smile replicates Mei's smile when she's in a good mood, and when she isn't swinging her bat at him.

Their eye colors match too. Same sky blue eyes, same shapes even. "It's nice to meet you" Tobio said.

He was about to walk pass Rei, but the blonde stopped him. "What's your name?"

"Kageyama Tobio"

"Hmm..Kageyama Tobio? Oh! Mei's notorious ex boyfriend!"

Tobio simply nodded.

"Tell me, what happened between you two?" Rei looked like he wouldn't leave Tobio alone unless he answered him.

"Things, just didn't work out. So we broke up" -Tobio

"And how did she take it?" -Rei

"She was fine at first. But then a few days later she started chasing me around with a bat" Tobio shuddered at the memory from not so long ago.

"Yes, Mei can be a little intense sometimes" Rei continued to smile. "Sorry about her antics"

"It's fine" -Tobio

The black haired boy attempted to leave, but Rei stopped him once again.

"Have you already found someone else Kageyama-kun?"

Tobio frowned, wondering if he should answer or not. "Yes"

"What's his name?"

"Oikawa Tooru" Tobio revealed.

"Oh, Oikawa Tooru?" Rei looked thoughtful. "Ahhh, I remember now! I also met him at Mei's party and he was not happy to see me with you. So he's your boyfriend eh? Possessive, that one is" the blonde chuckled.

He tossed his now empty carton box of milk to the trash bin. "Sorry to cut this conversation short, but I should go. I still need to see Mei" he walked pass Tobio. "I hope the next time we see each other our conversation will be even longer"

Rei gave Tobio one last look.

"I would like to get to know you, Kageyama-kun" and with that, the strange relative of Mei left.

My Tobio-chan (Oikage Completed)Where stories live. Discover now