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"Come on Tobio!" Tooru huffed as he carried the now unconscious Tobio on his back.

He had chased him around the party after the boy jumped out of his arms and drunkenly ran to the kitchen and drank four more cups of the liquor, then proceeded to climb to high places and try to jump off them, arms spread like a bird.

Eventually he passed out by the bushes and Hinata found him and led Tooru to him.

"You're lucky I like you so much Tobio-chan" Tooru sighed. "Otherwise I would have just let you make a complete fool of yourself. Not that any of your friends would have let you, especially not-" he laughed. "Sugamama and Dadchi" he snickered remembering the "parents" of the Karasuno volleyball team.

"Hmm..Oikawa-san..." He heard Tobio murmur, his warm breath hitting Tooru's neck making him shiver. "Oikawa-san..." He whispered in his sleep.

"I'm here Tobio-chan" Tooru found himself telling the unconscious boy. "I'm right here with you". He felt Tobio's arms and legs tighten around him. "I'm really annoyed with you" he heard Tobio mutter with a hiccup. "Why?" Tooru asked.

If anything, Oikawa should be the one annoyed at Tobio!

He almost spilled their secret, and why was he flirting with another guy? It was bad enough that he had to deal with whores throwing themselves at him, and hearing assholes talk about his Tobio like some toy. And seeing Mei's room really shook him! It was unnerving how her room is a replica of Tobio's.

When he saw that guy getting chummy with his Tobio, he got really mad. He almost punched the guy right there. "Did I hurt you Tobio? I did pull your away from him a bit too roughly"

"Hmm...you almost popped my socket" Tobio muttered weakly.

Oikawa sighed. "I'm sorry"

Soon, they arrived at the front of Tobio's house.

"Where's they key? Where's the fucking key" Tooru muttered as he looked at the potted plants and even under the welcome mat.

"It's...it's under that turtle" Tobio instructed, pointing at the little green turtle statue barely hidden with amongst the potted plants.

Sure enough, underneath it was a yellow key.

Tooru picked the key up with one hand(the other was supporting Tobio's thigh) and entered the key in the keyhole, twisted it, and there was a "click" sound.

Tooru twisted the knob and pushed open the door.

The brunet considered just dropping Tobio on the couch but, decided to carry him all the way upstairs to a comfortable bed in one of the guests rooms. He can't stand the idea of having Tobio sleep in his own room because he remembers Mei's room and the creepy resemblance of it. Literally every detail was there.

"Alright, here we go!" Tooru said, kicking open the door with his foot and hurrying to the untouched bed, flopping Tobio on his back.

Tobio was sweaty, so to make him comfortable he pulled off his sweater and shirt and unbuckled his belt, pulling down his jeans and now leaving him in his boxers.

"Good night Tobio-chan" Tooru said, about to leave, but then a hand held his wrist, stopping him.

"Oikawa...San" he shivered when he heard his Tobio's voice call his name, it was smooth and deep and, confident. "Oikawa-san, w-where are you going?"

"Uhh, home Tobio-chan. My parents might get worried" Tooru weakly tugged his hand, but Tobio made a whining noise and pulled his hand back hard, it was enough to pull Tooru down on the bed with him. "T-Tobio-chan!" Tooru exclaimed when Tobio wrapped his legs around his waist, his crotch pressing against Tooru's erection causing him to hiss. "Stay...Oikawa-san, I might get lonely"

"T-Tobio-chan, you're swimming in dangerous waters and I'm scared if you continue-" Tooru swallowed hard when he saw Tobio's tongue dart out and lick his lower lip, a redness covering his face in a cute blue. "I...I might loose controll"

Tobio and him were now panting warm breath at each other, Tooru kept swallowing thick saliva. It was like there was a lump in his throat.

"I'm really annoyed with you Tooru" Tobio whispered. "I'm annoyed that you easily forget about me when your fans surround you. Like at the beach, I was trying to reach out to you...but you ignored me",

Tooru felt guilty.

"And then at the party, you were using me to make girls jealous, or even laugh. I was hurt"

Tooru's eyes widened when he saw actual tears in the corners of Tobio's eyes. "Tobio-chan, please don't cry. I've been really stupid, I promise you I wasn't using you. I was trying to show them you belonged to me and that I belonged to you" Oikawa gently explained. "And I'm sorry for ignoring you at the beach"

He kissed Tobio's eyelids, kissing his tears away. "It won't happen again". Then, against his better judgement, he pressed his lips against Tobio's, who's mouth parted in surprise, so he easily slipped his tongue inside.

He moaned in happiness when Tobio's tongue met his, he explored the moist cavern that is Tobio's mouth.

The crow's eyes shut tightly, and he began hitting Tooru's back as he suffocated. "Air! Air!" He thought in panic.

Tooru simply chuckled. "Silly boy, breath through your nose" he pulled away, allowing Kageyama to take in gulps of air.

"T-Tooru! That was!" He blushed madly. Tooru cooed at Tobio's cuteness, and couldn't stop himself from kissing his face all over, then lowered down to his neck, sucking and nipping it. "Oh, Tobio-chan you have no idea how much I've held myself back from jumping you, everytime I'm near you like this I just want to kiss you"

He pressed another kiss to Tobio's cheek. "The only thing holding me back at your rule. No kisses between lips" he couldn't stop the giggle from escaping his throat. "Too bad, so sad. It's broken now"

He raised Tobio's head by his chin, and he was met with dizzy, confused eyes.

So cute, Tobio has always been cute, so irresistible. He was so adorable back in middle school, always following after him like a puppy.

He was the center of Kageyama's world, it was always "Oikawa-san!" This and "Oikawa-san" that.

And he screwed everything up because he let stress get the better of him.

He wrapped his arms possessively and protectively around his Tobio-chan's body, kissing Tobio's soft lips again, sucking on the lips and running his tongue all over.

"You, are mine" he whispered. "You're my Tobio-chan, you hear me?",

Tobio nodded dumbly.

"This may be a fake relationship to you Tobio, but not for me. Ahh, you might forget about everything that happened when you wake up the next morning, and I'll be really upset" he kept kissing Tobio.

"I...I don't think I'll forget" Tobio said between kisses.

Tooru merely laughed. "Goodnight my Tobio-chan"

Confused, but tired, Tobio closed his eyes and in just a few seconds he was out like a light.

Tooru had to bite his lip hard enough to draw blood, everytime the urge to molest his sleeping Tobio came to his mind.

Now that he's gotten a taste of his Tobio-chan, he'll be wanting more now.

My Tobio-chan (Oikage Completed)Where stories live. Discover now