Make me

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Hermione and I have been looking for her stupid book that's been missing for day now. I volunteered to help her just cause she's been skipping meals and plans with me just to look for it.

"Baby why can't we just go on with our day and forget about your book for a second. We've been looking for this damn book for hours now, aren't you tired yet?" I said while rummaging through our shelf.

"No y/n! I won't go on with my day without finding it!" She replied exasperatedly.

"I knew it! I'm easily replaceable!" I joked to lighten up her mood.

"What do you mean replaceable? We're talking about my book here, are we talking about the same thing?" She asked genuinely confused as she flips our room upside down.

"See! You value your books more than me!" I said with a fake hurt expression. 

"You'd ditch me just to look for your books!" I continued.

She glared at me with daggers coming out of her eyes and her nose clearly fuming.

"I'm sorry okay, I just miss you." I said as I put back the things from the shelf and walked to Hermione.

I hugged her from behind, my front resting on her back and my face on her shoulder.

I sighed and tightened my grip from her waist. My actions seem to make a shiver down to her spine as I pecked her neck.

"Can you just shut up and help me find it so we can eat together later??!" She exclaimed

I just smirked to myself and said with a low and raspy voice hinting my seductive tone.

"Make me."

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