Unforgotten pt. 2

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Hello people!

This is the second part of the unforgotten one shot.

I didn't know how to end this but I hope you enjoy reading it! 😊


Y/n's POV:

I was now comforting the girl who had mistaken me for someone she knew. I didn't know this lady, and if I did I should know it right? Or maybe we knew each other a long time ago and I just can't remember?

"I'm sorry if I've met you before and didn't remember. Please don't take it personally." I said softly to her ear.

I could physically feel her tense up as I said that but maybe it was the cold breeze. But after a few seconds she leaned into my embrace and nodded. She sniffled as she nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck like she was sniffing my scent out of me or something.

Then suddenly, like lightning, something in the back of my head hit me.

'Hey ~~~~~, wait up!' I said.

'Hey luv!'


Wait- what?!

What was that?

Who was that?!

I tensed at the— um, memory? Memory, right.

My eyes widened as my eyebrows furrowed in confusion and surprise. What the heck was that? And why can't I remember it.

The girl in my arms noticed this and pulled away from me.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. Y- you smell," she started speaking as she faced the ground to avoid my eyes

"Familiar. " she finished.

"Oh no, it's fine. I just remembered something." I said as I held her cheek and rose it so that she was looking at me.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. Then out of no where my head started to hurt so I put my unoccupied hand on my head and my other on the girls shoulder to support my weight. I closed my eyes then suddenly-

'I love you, baby!'

'I love you more!' I said

This time my vision was clear and I saw who I was talking to.

It was this stranger.

"Merlin, are you alright?" She asked me with worry in her voice.

I opened my eyes slowly and sure enough, she did look like the girl in my memory. She sounded like her too.

Another surge of pain went through my head.

'Please Hermione! Just let me go with you!'

'No Y/n, it's too dangerous!'

'That's why I want to go! I want to protect you!'

'I'm so sorry Y/n. I love you.'

'No please, Hermione! N-'


I collapsed onto the hard cold floor and panted for air. I held myself up with my knees and hands as I breathed heavily. I slowly looked up Hermione with teary eyes.

I stood up and hugged her tightly.

"H- Hermione." I whispered softly. She gasped and pulled away to see my face dripping with tears.

"I- I remember." I stuttered as my tears were still flowing.

"Y/n, I'm so so sorry! I shouldn't have obliviated you! It's my fault and I-" I cut her off with my own lips pressed against her.

I pulled her closer by the waist as the kiss deepened. After a while we pulled away panting. I smiled widely at her and said

"It's not your fault, luv. You just wanted me to be safe." I said as my hands caress her cheeks.

"I will never forget you, my love."

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