Girl Best Friend

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A conversation I had (Just now) with my best friends

Just slightly changed it to fit this one shot


"Have you ever had a mutual feeling with anyone before? Or like a special someone? I wonder how it feels to have someone." Luna rambles as the four of us (Luna, Ginny, Hermione, You) sat on the grass, in front of the black lake.

"Not really, people who like me aren't really my type." I answered, resting my back on a tree stump as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wow, everyone loves you then. We get it, Y/n!" Ginny teased, I elbowed her stomach and she groaned in pain. Which Hermione saw, that led to me getting a slap in the head "Oww. What?" I complained. Hermione just gave me a look and continued to read her book.

I rolled my eyes at Ginny "Just kidding! But same, boys are just disgusting." Ginny says, laying on Luna's lap which was normal to all of us. So I leaned my head on Hermioone's shoulder as I listened to the conversation, not noticing the blush that formed on her cheeks.

"If we find someone, we should stay away from them if they have girl best friends, cause that's just going to be toxic." Hermione suggests, looking up from her book to see us nodding in agreement.

"Hmm, I guess I'll stay away from you now." I replied before I realized. My eyed widened along with theirs as they slowly turned their heads to face me. Blood rushed to my cheeks faster than Hermione could say leviosa.

"I- I d- didn't mean it like that!" I stuttered taking my head off Hermione's shoulder sitting up straight. Hah, how ironic. Straight? Me?

"Oh my Merlin! You like Ronald!" Ginny shouts thinking she just discovered my greatest secret.

I replied in question "I do? What? I don't! Where did that come from?" 

"Well, I said that we should stay away from someone we like if they have girl best friends. Then you said you'll stay away from me!" Hermione explains

"No offense Gin, but Ronald? Really? I'd rather marry the giant squid than him!" I replied slightly disgusted just by the thought.

"Well who is it then? Harry?" Luna asks calmly.

"Uhh, no. He's Draco's." I state in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.





"Oh my god, Seamus?!"

"Wha- No!"

"Merlin! Blaise!"

"Ew not Merlin! And definitely not Blaise!" I replied shaking my head vigorously.

"Then who is it?" Asked an exasperated Ginny with a raised brow, as the three of them look at me expectantly.

"I- just, what did Hermione say? Stay away from who we like if they have gbf's right?"

"Yeah? And?" Ginny said, confused

"And, what did I say?"

"You'll stay away from me?" Hermione states with confusion, I nod and gesture my hands in a rowing motion while I wait for them to process what I was saying.

After a minute I dropped my hand and sighed, "You said stay away from the person we like."

They were silent for a minute before Hermione's eyes widened in realization. "Merlin! Does that mean-" she started to piece things together but I cut her off.

"Yes" I replied looking down at my lap. I was met with silence, so I raised my head to look up but only Hermione was there. I guess she made the two go.

"You don't have to-" I started but was cut off with a soft pair of lips. Before I could kiss back, she pulled away. "I- I like you too" She blushed, biting her bottom lip. "Good then." I replied before pulling her in for another kiss.

As we pulled away, I asked her teasingly "So d'you still think I should stay away? You have many many girl best friends."

"I mean, they're your friends too. So I think they won't hunt you down." She replied playfully as she giggled at her own statement.

"Fair enough."

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