I (don't) like you

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Hermione's POV:

"Hey Y/n!" I called for my best friend whose back was facing me.

"Oh, hi Hermione! What's up?" She turned around and greeted me.

"Nothing much, I just needed to talk to you." I said looking directly into her eyes.

"Okay then." She said

"Privately?" I said as I gave her a nervous face.

"Alright, follow me." She said as she took me by the hand and led me to an empty classroom.

"So what is it?" She asked as she sat on one of the tables.

"I- I wanted to tell you that," I stuttered then paused to regain myself

"That?" She asked, getting curious

"Y/n, I like you" I blurted out quickly that I thought she didn't hear.

"I erm- like you too?" She said confused

"No, I meant like-like you" I explained , clearing it out.

"Wait- like like?" She asked rather surprised

"Yeah, I have since third year" I said as I looked down on the floor to avoid her gaze.

"Oh, I erm- like like you too!" She exclaimed as she beamed a joyous smile. This made me snap my head towards her with a surprised expression.

"You what?" I asked as my eyes widened.

This wasn't supposed to happen!

"I said I like like you too!" She exclaimed again, standing up from her previous position.

"Y/n you don't understand this i-" I tried to explain before it was too late but I was cut off by-


The twins, along with Harry, Ron, and Ginny shouted before they bursted into a big chorus of laughter.

"W- what?" Y/n stuttered out. Tears now forming in her eyes.

"You should've seen the look on your face!!" The twins said at the same time.

"Haha she got you Y/n!" Ronald said high fiving Ginny who was holding her stomach that was now hurting for laughing so much.

"Y- you Bitch!" Y/n stuttered as she glared at me. Her comment made everyone in the room silent as they listened to what would happen next.

"Y/n! Please I didn't know yo-" I tried explaining but was cut off yet again, I was slapped wight across the face.

"Never talk to me ever again!" She said pointing a finger at me.

The group around us was now catching up on what the hell was happening in front of them. They thought that Y/n didn't like me and felt weird, but it's actually the other way around. She likes me, and learned that me liking her was a prank.

"And if all of you think this, is funny. Then you should get ready for what's coming your way!" She exclaimed running out of the room to who knows where.


Hey peeps!

I'm not sure if I'm making a second part to this but if I do, then you'll have a chapter to read.

I wanted to say thank you for all the support you've given me and for being the best!

You guys rock!

Well, that's all.



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