I like you

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*You and Hermione are best friends and she's been ignoring you for a while now.

The plot's not mine!


Hermione just walked out of the Great Hall when she saw me sitting beside her. I followed her out and called her

"Hermione wait up!"

She stopped walking away so I caught up to her.

"Y/n let go of my arm!"


"Let go of me- oh wait. You aren't holding m-" She looks behind her to look at her arm which I was not holding.

"I was about to tell you that." I giggled at her silly antics that only I get to see. She glared at me with a pout on her lips.

"Can you calm down first, please?" I said

"I'm calm!" She shouted while she crossed her arms to look intimidating.

"You're calm but your face is scrunched up and your eyebrows are furrowed?" I said. She quickly changed her expression and smiled sarcastically.

"Fine. Is that good enough?" She said with a weird smile on her face.

"There you go." I said.

"Anyways, what did you want to say?" She asked, starting to get annoyed again.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I asked

"I don't have anything to tell you." She replied

"Then why is it that when I come near you, you try to go the other way?" I asked again, wondering what I did to make her ignore me.

"Y/n when you were approaching me awhile ago I was going to the bathroom. Of course I'll avoid you, I needed to pee." She answered.

"That's not the only time Mione. You know what I mean." I retaliated

"Why is it a big deal to you? You aren't like that before!" She asked, now annoyed at me.

"Because I didn't like you before!" I yelled out

"T- then, why are you shouting." She stuttered as she held a hand on her heart.

"So you can hear my heart pounding for you." I joked.
"Mio-ne, Mio-ne." I said in a lub-dub tone as I motioned my chest inward and outward.

"I knew it. Since when?" She asked

"Second year." I answered vaguely.

"How did you realize?" She asked me again

"Does it matter?" I said

"Of course it does!" She said in a matter-of-fact tone

"When you ran your hand through your hair, then you smirked at me." I explained while I recreate what she did before.

"Oh like this?" She said as she too, redid what made me fall for her. She ran her hand through her curly locks while smirking at me. My eyes widened at her actions.

"I changed my mind! I don't like you anymore!" I said as I turned around to avert my gaze

"Y/n!" She shouted while she playfully smacked me on the arm.

"Don't do it again! The spark may fade!" I yelled jokingly.

"What?!" She said confused and annoyed at the same time.

"Just kidding. Come on now don't be shy, you can start courting me now." I joked again to annoy her.

"Y/n, stop it!" She exclaimed.

"Oh wait, should I be the one courting?" I asked acting innocently. She huffed in annoyance while she rolled her eyes.

"Are you starting to get annoyed? That's how I felt when you were ignoring me. From now on I'm accepting your courting and we're officially together!" I annoyed her futher.

"Tsk. You're really annoying to talk to!" She said with a scoff.

"Well it's a good thing I'm gorgeous!" I said as I brushed off the imaginary dirt on my robe.

"Yeah, it's a good thing I like you." She said. My eyes widened at what she said as my head whipped up to look her in the eye.

"W- what?!" I stuttered. This must be a dream! She walked off with a scowl and left me dumbfounded at the corridor.

"Hey Mione! Come back here, we're not done talking yet!"


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