Dude. Dude?!

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This is just a short one :)

"I'm pissed right now! I'm so fucking pissed at Y/n!" Hermione shouts, throwing herself face first at the Gryffindor common room couch.

"Hey, calm down Hermione." Ronald says, trying so badly to hide his amused state at the bushy haired girl's distress.

She raises her head slowly from the pillow that was covering her face. "Calm down? Calm down?! Do you have any idea what she just did?!" Hermione shouts even louder. If it were possible, that is.

"Yeah... I mean you've been ranting for a while now." Harry says, scratching the back of his neck looking down.

Hermione only sent him a deathly glare that made him shut up and raise his hand in defense.

"She just had to say it, didn't she?!" Hermione shouts, throwing a quill across the common room.

"It was already going great! Then she had to say that!" She whines, throwing a thick book that Ronald barely dodges.

"What exactly happened?" Harry asks.

"Well, I was helping her in potions and she proceeds to get the ingredients right. Then she said 'This is why I love you..." Hermione pauses for a good second before continuing. "Dude.' "

"Dude? Dude?! She fucking called me dude! DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING DUDE?!" She shouts throwing a book that hits Harry straight in the face.

"Ow!" Harry whines, picking his glasses up.

"Well if you talk like tha-" Ronald tries to reply. Tries.

"Shut the fuck up Ronald! No one asked you!" Hermione cuts him off with a glare that made him gulp harshly.

"Jeez. Sorry." He muttered under his breath.

"We were doing fine. Great even! Then she friendzoned me! Like what the fuck?!"

Meanwhile... At Ginny's Dorm

"Dude, why the fuck would you say that you dumbass!" Ginny shouts at Y/n as she hits her hard with a pillow.

"I don't know, alright! I panicked!" Y/n poorly defends herself with a frustrated voice.

"Y/n you're such an idiot! You have to make this right, this instant!"

"I can't! She probably thinks I don't like her how she likes me! She thinks I'm a an idiot!"

"It's because you are!"

"Ouch, Ginerva. You wound me oh so deeply." Y/n dramatically places a hand on her chest as she put on a 'hurt' face.

"Oh shut it! Go and talk to her!" Ginny scolds her.

"Fine, I'll go!"

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