I Liked You Already

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Y/n's POV

"Are you my boyfriend's best friend?" an angelic voice behind me says.

I turn around, staring at the beauty in front of me.

Hermione Granger.

"Excuse me?" I ask in confusion. Not by her question, but because I was so focused on her voice that I didn't hear what she asked.

"Are you Ronald's best friend?" she raises ang brow, tilting her head slightly.

I nod, "uhm, yeah. Why?"

"Well, you guys have been hanging around a lot lately and he's always talking about you so..." she trails off, looking down at the ground as her hair creates a curtain around her face.

"Ooh that. Don't worry, before you guys were even dating I liked you already." I give her a kind smile, shrugging my shoulders before turning back around, my eyes widening as I realize what I just said.

"Oh, alright- hold on," she grabs my shoulder, successfully turning me around to face her. "Y- you? Liked me?"

I nod my head, feeling my cheeks heat up at the question, "Yeah, I still do." I reply.

"So you-"

Hermione was cut off by Ronald. "Hey mate!" he goes for a hug. "What's going on? What are you girls talking about?" he asks, looking us back and forth.

"Oh it's um-" I look at Hermione for help. "It's nothing! It's just, girl stuff. You wouldn't understand." she says hurriedly.


Guysss help meee!!

I have ideas but I'm too lazy to write 😭😭

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