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*Hermione's Unwell

I kinda like it


No One's POV:

"Don't worry luv just stay with mum, I'll be there soon okay? I'll just finish my shift and I'll come straight back home. Alright, I love you, bye!" Y/n said to Celia through the phone as she ended the call.

"Y/n we need you back here!" Y/n's boss yelled.

"Coming!" she yelled back as she walked closer to where her boss was. "Do you need anything from me sir?" She asked her boss curiously.

He nodded and said "Yes, you'll need to stay here." sternly.

"W- What? But my shift's almost done! Sir with all due respect my wife needs me!" she tried to reason.

"Well your wife needs this money right? So stay and get back to work!" He said getting annoyed by his employee.

"But sir, you don't pay overtime!"

"Well we're a team here, go and help the team! Unless you want not to be a part of it!" he threatened Y/n which made her eyes wide for a second before she narrowed her eyes.

"Fine, then! This job doesn't pay well anyway! I quit!" 

And with that, Y/n lost her job.

Y/n's POV:

After that poor excuse of a boss threatened me I just couldn't handle it, I snapped. He knows my situation right now and he's still acting like an asshole. I stormed off there as fast as I could to go back home where my family is.

Hermione's immune system has been weak for days now, nearly a week. I tried to talk her out to go to the hospital but she's a really stubborn woman. So she's just at home lying in bed waiting for me to come home.

*AT HOME . . . . .

"Mione?! Celia?! Bailey?!" I yelled out. The kids came running down the stairs to meet me. They immediately engulfed me with their tiny arms, I returned the gesture while stroking their curly hair.

"How's mum?" I asked as we pulled away.

"She locked herself in your room Ma." Bailey said sadly

"And she doesn't want to eat." Celia said as she points to where the food was.

Wait- isn't that the food I cooked for breakfast?

I sighed and nodded at the two. "Go put your brother to sleep. I'll go talk to mum."

I told the girls, they nodded and went to Jarred's room. I put my bag on the sofa and made my way to our bedroom. I tried to open it but the door was locked. I knocked at the door three times and heard a grunt from inside. "I'm not hungry!" she said.

I sighed and knocked again "Mione, baby it's me." I said calmly. I heard shuffling from the door and it suddenly clicked open, she must've used a spell.

I fully opened the door only for me to see a dreadful Hermione lying down on her side with a box of tissue and a trash bin. I frowned at the sight as I walked towards her. I sat beside her while brushing a stray strand of hair on her forehead. Her forehead felt blazing hot. I grabbed a hand towel and wet it with cold water, I placed it on her head to cool off some of her heat.

"Hermione, why didn't you eat your breakfast? It's been hours, aren't you hungry?" I said in a soft voice, careful not to be too loud.

She just answered me by shaking her head. I sighed at her and said "The kids and I are worried about you. Please eat something. For me?"

She whispered an 'okay' softly. I smiled slightly at my wife. "Alright, I'll be back okay? I'll go make you soup." I said as I kissed her head and stood up. She immediately grabbed my wrist weakly and said "Thank you."

"I'll always be here for you. In sickness and in health right?" I said while I kiss the back of her hand. For the first time in days she smiled. She hummed at what I said and let go of my hand to let me go to the kitchen.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and started to cook some soup. After that I went back up to the master bedroom where Hermione was. I opened the door which revealed a Hermione.

Wait- no, an ill Hermione.

Wait, an ill Hermione who's reading a book.

Yup that sounds like my wife.

I walked to the bed and sat beside her. She closed her book as I offered my hand for her to hold onto while she gets up to sit. She accepted it and sat up slowly.

"I knew my presence will get you up." I joked. She giggled softly and replied "That's just because you make great soup." I smiled widely at her.

"I've always wanted to do this." I said getting excited. She gave me a confused face before saying "do what?" "Open up!" I said as I brought the spoon with soup closer to her mouth "to feed you" I replied.

She blushed as she opened her mouth to eat the soup. She smiled widely as she realized that I cooked her favorite soup. I continued to feed her until she finished the bowl.

I totally forgot to tell her about my job!

"Erm, Mione." I said nervously

"Yes?" She asked

"I know you're ill and all and I don't want to make it worse. But..." I paused

"But what?"

"Please don't be mad" I said starting to get nervous.

"It depends on what what you're going to tell me" she said

"Okay. So, you know how I work a shitty job with a shitty boss right?" I started.

"Yeah what about it?" She asked pushing me to continue

"I kinda erm- Iquitmyjobbecausemybosswasbeinganarseandiwassoreadytogohomeandtakecareofyoubuthedidntallowmetosoisnappedandquit" I said quickly in one breath

"Would you mind slowing that down please?" She said with a concerned expression

"I quit my job. Because my boss was being an arse and I was so ready to go home and take care of you. But he didn't allow me to, so I snapped and quit." I said slowly for her to understand. I looked down at my lap waiting for her to scold me but instead she scoffed and said

"Finally! You left that arse of a boss you had!" Smiling widely.

She brought her hand to my chin and lifted my face to look at her straight in the eye. I smiled at her response, I totally didn't expect for her to be happy about this.

"Thank you for understanding luv." I said calmly.

Hermione's POV:

"Thank you for understanding luv." She said calmly.

I smiled at my wife as I lay back down on my back. But my expression quickly changed from a cheerful one to a saddened one. Y/n noticed this and asked "What's wrong?"

"How do we pay for the bills now?" 
"With me being sick and you out of job?" I asked worryingly

She gave me a sad smile and said "I'll figure it out hun."
"For now, you need to rest. And stop making me and our children worry!" I nodded and closed my eyes as she kissed my forehead while caressing my cheek.

"I'll put the kids to sleep." She said softly as I heard the door creak open and close.

What do I do without her.

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