Miss Malfoy

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Happy teachers day to educators of all kinds!

I got inspired so, here's a chapter for you.

Not proof read

Hermione's POV

There she was. Taking long confident strides with her head high up, her black blazer only making her look sharper.

Slamming the door shut, she makes everyone silent from their noisy chatter.

She walks to the front of the class, everyone's eyes following her.

"Good morning class!" She was still looking at her desk, fixing her stuff when her stern, slightly raspy voice fills the room, making my arms form goosebumps.

"Good morning Y/n!"
"Good morning n/n!"
"Good morning sis!"
"Good morning Malfoy!"

Everyone greets.

Oh yeah, and she's a Malfoy. Even worse than Draco if you ask me. She graduated last year, and now she teaches potions.

Her head shoots up, glaring at everyone looking directly at her as fire spreads through my veins.

"Don't you all know who I am?" She walks to the blackboard, grabbing a chalk, before writing on it.

"It's Professor Malfoy! From now on, I'm not Y/n, I'm not N/n, I'm not your sis! Professor Malfoy!" She grits through her teeth, writing a bold 'Professor MALFOY' on the board.

"Sorry! I got used to it!" Pansy Parkinson yells from the back of the class, making some of the Slytherin laugh.

"Shut it!" She states, making them silent in an instant.

"Pfft. Malfoy thinks she's our boss." Harry rolls his eyes as he mutters to himself.

"Yeah. Thinks she's better than us." Ronald agrees.

"Shh!" I nudge his arms, scolding them.

"Now, I just finished teaching the Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws, they were all cooperative and participating during recitation." Her booming voice cuts us off.

"I expect you Gryffindors and Slytherins do the same if not, better. Understood?"

"Yes Professor!" Everyone replies.

"Good. Now let's get started, shall we?"


Y/n's POV

"I believe Professor Snape has already started his discussion with this last year. Does anyone know what this is?" I asked, raising a vial with a colorless potion in it.

I stand there, taking in the silence. Are they that scared of me? Good.

"Am I talking to anyone?! Are you all even listening?"

"Veritaserum." The girl in the front row whispered to herself, as I see her hesitating to raise her hand.

I lower the vial in my hand, looking around the room as they avoid my piercing gaze.

"You all have mouths for a reason. Don't murmur your answer, raise your hand and say it out loud."

"I heard the answer I'm looking for. You," I look at the bushy haired girl directly, motioning for her to stand up. "Name and describe this potion."

I place the vial on her slightly shaking hands, watching as she studies the features.

"I- it's Veritaserum." She whispers, looking at my eyes for a split second, before lowering her gaze to the ground.

Hermione Granger One Shots and ShortsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum