I Don't Like You

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Well, this turned dark...

Pt. 2 of I (don't) like you


Hermione's POV:

These past few weeks have been quiet. Too quiet.

And somehow, peaceful in a way. It's been three weeks since Y/n bitch slapped me to space and told me never to talk to her. But every time I had the chance, I tried to talk but she just ignored me like I never existed. Sure, what happened clearly hurt her but why can't she give me a chance to explain? I was cut off my thoughts when my dorm door bursts open.

"Hermione come quick! It's Ginny!" Harry yelled, I stood up from my seat at the common room and followed Harry who was running to the infirmary.

Why was Ginny here? Oh no, did she fall off her broom?!

I ran up to the side of the bed Ginny was on and saw large bruises that covered her body. Her face was bleeding, lips swollen and busted, legs and arms broken, and eyes shut tightly because of the bandages that wrapped around her face. The sight made me gasp in surprise and in horror.

"What happened?!" I asked Ronald who was holding her hand.

"W- we were playing Quidditch on the field, w- when suddenly t- ten bludgers came rushing to her. Knocking her out." Ron stuttered between sobs, I've never seen him cry before and with what happened to his sister, this was probably a valid reason for him to.

"Where did it come from? Doesn't Quidditch only have two?" I asked, clearly confused. I may not understand Quidditch well, but after being friends with Ron and Harry I've learned many things.

"That's what we're wondering, we didn't release more than two bludgers which meant someone else did it. It seems like the bludgers were bewitched." Harry explained as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Whoever did this must be really upset at her. None of the bludgers were targeted at us, it was all directed to her." George said while placing arm around Ronald as he looked sadly down to his little sister.

"And it flew by a very fast pace!" Harry added.

"Did she have an argument or misunderstanding with someone recently?" I asked trying to piece things together. But to no avail, there isn't actually much to work with so we can't figure it out for the meantime.

"Not that we know of." Ronald replied shaking his head while shrugging.

"Whoever they are, they will pay for this." Fred said in a stern voice which meant he was serious. We all turned to look at him, his hands balled up in a fist, his face displaying an emotion full of anger, while his cheeks redder than his hair.

"Fred we must make sure Ginny's alright first. Then we'll find who did this, we can't just go around asking and interrogating students. We need a plan." I said while making my way to him to calm him down.

"As much as I want to hex whoever did this, Hermione's right. We need to figure this out first." Harry said, sending me a comforting smile which I returned with a thankful one.

*Three Days After The Ginny Incident

It's been three days since the accident with Ginny happened. We've been trying to find clues as to who the cause of all this may be, but the person was really good at hiding things. Even I, can't figure out who it was. Maybe it was someone close to us. A housemate? A batch mate?

Maybe, but first I've got to find the twins. They said they were helping me look through the library, maybe we would find a spell that can reveal the person who bewitched the ball. I was strolling outside the castle hoping to find the twins when I heard a chorus of loud laughter near the Whomping Willow.

"Help! Please help us!"

I recognize those voices! The twins!

I ran with all my might to reach where I heard the pleading voices. When I reached the Whomping Willow I was greeted by the sight I never imagined seeing.

"Hermione Help!!" The twins shouted in unison once they saw me.

They were tied to a solid branch of the living tree while it was swinging them around and around giving them no time to escape. They're probably feeling sick to their stomach right now. The students surrounding the tree were laughing hardly and pointing their fingers at them.

"Immobulus!" I casted.

The tree finally stopped moving, but the twins were still tied to a branch. I casted a spell to untie them and they fell on the ground with a thud. They immediately stood up and hid behind the tree to probably throw up, which I didn't need to see.

After a while, their stomachs finally calmed down. They were ready to talk without cutting themselves off to throw up.

"Who tied you guys up there?!" I asked them worryingly.

They both looked at each other them shrugged "We don't know, when we woke up from our nap we were already tied there." Fred replied for the both of them, whilst George nodded in agreement.

"How could that possibly happen? And how didn't you guys wake up? You should've felt it when you were tied up?" I asked again, unsure of what could possibly be the cause of this. Surely they would've woke up right? The tightness of the ropes were too tight that it must've bruised them, so how did they not wake up from that?

"W- we don't know." George answered not louder than a whisper. He looked at Fred with an worried expression and he returned the look.

*1 Week After the Ginny Incident

It's been a week now. Ginny has been slowly recovering from her accident. Some of her bruises can still be seen but most of it have faded away. I may have an idea who's doing all of this. But I can't be too sure, I can't just accuse someone without proof. So that's what I'll be doing today, finding proof.

??? POV:

Three down, three more to go.

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