Bet Pt. 2

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Not part of the story. But did you see how Ginny rolled her eyes at Hermione in the gif ^^^?? lol I love it!

I hope you enjoy this.


Y/n's POV:

"Oi Y/n, why aren't you with your girlfriend?" Draco asked as he and Blaise walked towards me and Pansy.

I scoffed as I remembered what happened that night.

"That 'girlfriend' of mine placed a bet on me with her Gryffindork friends. The bet was to get with me then embarrass me, but you know how I am. I broke it off with her before she did. All she did was embarrass herself."

Me and my friends laughed at what I had just said.

"It even was great timing. I broke it off when she was snogging that Weasel." I continued

"Wait- you mean. You. Caught them." Pansy said in between laughs.

"Yeah, I did. Actually, I caught her months ago. I just wanted to embarrass her more that I knew her secret relationship all along." I said as the laughter was slowly dying down.

Hermione's POV:

I was looking for Y/n all day today. It was like she's suddenly a stranger to me, she's been ignoring my calls and not returning my texts. Did I do something? Oh no, did I say something bad yesterday? I couldn't recall what happened last night, it was such a blur.

I finally spotted her, talking to her Slytherin friends. They were laughing out loud about something, and Y/n's got a smirk on her face. Isn't she bothered that she haven't seen me all day? She's the one to worry when she doesn't see me at breakfast or if we didn't cuddle once all day. Oh Merlin, I really must've said something bad. Like 'really bad'.

I got behind the group and eavesdropped to what they were saying.

"Yeah, I did. Actually, I caught her months ago. I just wanted to embarrass her more that I knew her secret relationship all along." Y/n said proudly with a devilish smirk.

"What secret relationship, luv?" I asked forgetting that my presence wasn't supposed to be known. Y/n was going to reply but was cut off by Pansy.

Ugh I hate that pig.

"Luv? If i were you I would stay away from Y/n, you were the one going behind their back with that Weasel." she spoke with vemon in her voice. I looked at her confused as to what she was saying. Me, going behind Y/n's back? With Ronald? What is happening? But before I could ask questions Y/n grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side where the others can't hear.

"You really want to embarrass yourself more?" She said scoldingly as her grip tightened around my wrist. I got scared by the sudden action. This wasn't the Y/n I'm with, she was gentle with me, kind, loving. Why did she suddenly become vile?

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I shouted as I tried to get out of her hold.

"You really don't remember last night?" she asked slightly loosening her grip.

"What happened last night? All I remember was eating dinner at the great hall, then I just woke up this morning in my room." I said as I try to remember anything that happened after that.

"Stop fucking playing with me! I'm tired of this!" She yelled, thankfully no one was there

"What the hell happened last night? Did I do something wrong? You're avoiding me all day!" I said

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