What about me? Pt. 2

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"You see Hermione, no one who's 'just friends' normally kisses the others cheek when they feel like it." I said walking closer to her.

"Well I thought that was just a friendly gesture!" She exclaimed shrugging her shoulders.

"Does your other friends, Harry or Ronald do that?" I asked her as I tilted my head in question.

"No. But that's because they're boys!" She shouted.

"Hmm, of course. So does Ginny do that?" I asked her stepping closer once more.

"Of course not! She's with Luna!" She exclaimed as she gestured with her hands.

"So do you think it's still a friendly gesture?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's not a good enough sign to let me know you like me!" She argued back.

Oh, what a stubborn pretty lady.

"Ah, I knew you would say that," I paused for a second to admire the beauty in front of me.

"Well, no one else notices the little things you do." I continued as I rose my hand to caress her face. She leaned into my hand that was now resting on her cheek as I wiped the tears in her eyes.

"L- like what?" She stuttered as I saw her visibly gulp.

"I bet your Boyfriend doesn't know that you play with your fingers when you're nervous, just like right now." I said as I pointed to her fingers (with my free hand) that was currently playing with each other subconsciously.

"W- what?" She stuttered as she put her hands behind her back to hide it from me.

"I love how your hair fluffy falls on the side of your neck, down your shoulders and back." I said rising my hand to play with her hair. Combing my fingers through her curly locks. Her breath hitched at my action as her face turned into a flustered expression.

"Or how you furrow your eyebrows when you're concentrating on your book-" I put my hand to the side of her face as my thumb grazed over her tense eyebrows which made her relax it.

"-How your face scrunches up when you get confused or not understand something from the book you're reading." At this point, my palm was back on her cheek which I disconnected.

I booped her nose with a finger which made her pull away and furrow her eyebrows.

"E- everyone knows that!" She retorted as she regained her confidence back.

"But they don't, Hermione." I said with a cheeky smirk.

"Do you know that I get flustered when you hug me? Or that I blush every time you hold my hand? Or when I get butterflies when you look into my eyes?" I whispered leaning closer and closer each word.

"Y- you what?" She stuttered as she tried looking confused and acting innocent.

"Don't act oblivious now, darling. Did you think I didn't notice it that when I call you pet names you blush?" I said placing my hand back on her cheek

"N- no I dont!" She exclaimed stuttering as she tried cooling her cheeks off.

"Then why are you redder than a tomato right now?" I said chuckling at her flustered state.

"You like it when I call you names, don't you? Love?" I teased tilting my head to the side, kinda taunting her.

"I hate it! D- don't call me that!" She replied making a mad expression.

"Oh, so now you're playing hard to get? All I want to know is if you can love me like you did to Ron." I said pulling my hand away from her cheek and leaning away.

"If not, I'll stay away and forget everything. But if you do, you need to tell me now." I added as I looked away from her, dusting the imaginary dust on my shirt.

"You can't do this! I just got out of a relationship!" She shouted, regaining herself once more.

"The relationship that's one sided?" I asked as I quirked an eyebrow

"He loved me just as much as I did!" She exclaimed pointing a finger at me which I held and lowered down.

"Hmm. So is sneaking out with Lavander every night called love?" I said sarcastically as I tilted my head and put on a painful smile.

"He what?! And you knew?!" She shouted more

"Of course I knew! I told you that Ron is bad news yet you chose not to believe me!" I argued back as I stood straight to face her.

"I thought you were just looking out for me cause you're jealous." She said standing tall to face me as well.

"I am jealous! I always am! But me telling you that he wasn't good for you was not because of jealousy! I didn't want to see you hurt, I didn't want you to be played!"

"I care about you a lot!" I added.

"Why me? Why do you care so much about me!"

"Because I love you!"

This made both our eyes widen. I honestly didn't think I'd say it out loud. There was a long pause of just silence surrounding the room. I was about to apologize when she interrupted me by saying.

"I love you too."

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