Pick-up Lines

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You are messing with Hermione while she's trying to focus on the book she's reading.

"I like you more than a dictionary." I said with a sigh.

"Please just stop it!" She pleaded with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Cause you are the only one who gives meaning to my life." I still continued

"Ugh. Don't you have better things to do?!" Hermione growled.

"No. Not really. There aren't better things than you." I said simply

She let out a heavy sigh and turned her back to me.

"Oh god. Are you mad at me, love?" I said with a genuine worry in my tone.

"Love?" She said confused.

Perfect setup.

"Yes darling?" I smirked at my own remark as I saw her trying to hide a smile but successfully failing.

She blushed at my words, slammed her book shut and walked out of the library as I heard students around us trying to stifle their laughter.

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