Sad Songs In A Hotel Room

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Gosh I've been gone for too long.

Hello lovely people! I've missed you guys! Like fr 😭

Since I love Joshua Bassett's songs so much, here's a chapter based on his song. I cut off some of the lyrics btw

I put my own twist to this song...

Because we're at Hogwarts, this will be 'sad songs in a prefect room' (lol kinda corny) it doesn't matter anyways

Slight smut warning at the beginning, hehe.

Hermione's POV

I'm wearin' a robe
The same ones we left on the hotel floor

Y/n drags me out of the great hall, somehow convincing me to leave the Gryffindor table, as Dumbledoor says his yearly speech.

As soon as we arrive at my prefect room, she slams me (gently) against the door as our lips connect in a heated kiss.

My arms immediately wraps around her neck, pulling her closer to me as hers wrap around my waist.

One of my hands pull at the baby hairs at the back of her neck as the other tugs at her robe.

She pulls away for a second, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." I reply, before leaving a soft peck on her neck.

Gently, she removes my robe as hers follow suit.

A sigh escapes my lips as I trace the red outline of my Gryffindor robe. Biting my lip, as memories flash in my mind, reminicing the good times.

Just one year ago
"Do not disturb" hangin' on the door

"Did you lock the door?" I ask her after ridding our clothes.

"Yeah, I put up a sign too." She grins silly.

"Dork." I chuckle, rolling my eyes before capturing her lips in mine.

She pushes me on the bed, crawling on top of me, not once disconnecting our lips.

My arms wrap around her neck once again, pulling her impossibly closer, afraid she might go away and disappear.

She brings her fingers to my core, rubbing the bud gently, making me let out a moan.

I scold myself for having these dirty thoughts, splashing my face with cold water as I wake up from my daydream.

How the hell we end up, where we did?
Don't you think it's messed up? It all went to shit

"Why would you put your name there?!" I yell, slaming the door shut after entering(barging in) her dorm room.

"Bubba, we talked about this-" she tried explaining with an exasperated voice, but I cut her off.

"And everytime we did, I said no!"

"Well what the hell am I supposed to do?!" She finally raises her voice, abruptly standing up from end of the bed.

"Maybe next time don't ask me something you'll still do even if I said no!"

"I will enter the TriWizard tournament, and that's final!" Y/n says through gritted teeth, before leaving the room with a bang to the door.

I miss her. If only she became selfish and thought about herself and her family for once.

It's kind of depressin' bein' here alone

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