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Gender Neutral Reader :)

A/n: I don't like this chap that much. But still enjoy it if you find it amusing. This is too long for my liking.

Hermione's POV


"I dare you to ignore Y/n for three days straight!" Ginny said excitedly while Harry, Ron, and the Weasley Twins snickered, muttering about how it was a great dare.

We are currently at the Burrow, playing truth or dare on the last night of summer, before going back to Hogwarts.

"What! I can't do that!" I exclaimed, slightly annoyed by the dare.

"Yes you can, it's a dare!" The Twins said in unison.

I was about to argue when Ronald cut me off "You need to do it. If you succeed we each owe you five galleons, but if you fail you owe us five each!"

"What! That is not fair! Harry?" I said, asking Harry for backup.

"Sorry Hermione, a dare's a dare." Harry said, shrugging his shoulder while giving me an apologetic look.

"Fine. But if I succeed, all of you owe Y/n five Galleons too!" I demanded, which they agree to.

"Alright. You'll start tomorrow, when you first see them at the platform. You must act like they aren't there." Ginny said.

They all agreed to that and said our goodnights before going to bed. I stared at the ceiling for a few hours before drifting into a deep slumber. I couldn't take my mind of the stupid dare.

I honestly don't know how to do this. I love Y/n, I really do. But, I don't have the Galleons to pay the idiots I call my friends. I hope Y/n understands...

The Next Day...

Day 1

We arrived just in front of platform 9 and 3/4 through Floo Network. I'm really getting anxious about this. How would Y/n react? Will they be mad? Will they break up with me? Oh, I hope not! I will never forgive not only my friends but also myself if that happens.

As we were pushing our trolleys through the wall one by one, I saw them in my peripheral view. I think they saw me too because they kept on calling my name as they approach me. "Hermione! Hermione!" They shouted louder than the previous one.

I ignored them and ran straight through the wall and quickly looked for the prefects' carriage to sit in before they caught up to me. Eventually, I found it and got in and not long after Ron got in as well and sat across me.

"I'm already hating this!" I complained to him who only found it funny.

"Hermione yo-" Ronald was cut of by the door screeching open. We all looked at who opened it and my eyes widened when I saw Y/n. Ronald barely hid his amused faced before turning his gaze on me.

"Hey babe!" They greeted me with a wide beaming smile. I ignored them and looked out the window to my left side. They noticed this and quickly sat beside me placing a hand on my shoulder while doing so. "Hermione, are you alright?" They asked leaning over to look at my face that is probably red.

"Did I do something wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" They asked but I didn't reply once more. They looked over to Ron with a questioning glance but he only shrugged at them.

They sighed in defeat, "I'll leave you to it then." They replied sadly, taking their hand away from my shoulder and exiting the compartment with a last look at me. "Ronald, please talk to your best friend. Tell her I said hello, I don't think she can hear me. Oh, and please tell the head boy or girl that I'm not feeling good." They said closing the compartment door and went to patrol the corridors.

Hermione Granger One Shots and ShortsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz