F. O.

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"Hey Y/n! Have you told that mud-blood to fuck off yet!?" Draco yelled questioningly a he enters the great hall, gaining eveyones attention.

The Gryffindor table immediately glared at me waiting for my response.

"Yeah I did!" I shouted proudly with a smug smirk as the Gryffindors throw daggers at me.

"Oh yeah? I want details! How did you do it? What did you say!?" He asks with a smirk himself, proud at my work.

"My dorm, I was on top, she's bottom, and I made her-" I started rambling but cut myself off when I realised something.

"Wait- what did I 'say'!?" I asked, as my eyes widened. I looked over the Gryffindor table only to see everyones eyes wide with their mouths ajar and a tomato looking Hermione with a grin on her face.

"Y/n! I said FUCK OFF! Not FUCK HER!" Draco shouted in anger, well he should be more clear next time.

My mouth made an 'oh' shape in understanding as I nodded my head "Oh- well I'm not sorry." I said shrugging my shoulders making my way to the  Gryffindor table.

"Let's go darling." I commanded reaching my hand out to hers.

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