The Weird Kid's Stalker

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Y/n's POV:


That's what they call me.

That's what I am to them.

That's all they see of me.

Oh how lovely people are, judging people they don't know, ignoring them, pretending they don't exist. That's how I spent most of my life.



Always kicked to the side. So basically, I'm a nobody. Wait no- I think that isn't even a title I'm allowed to have. I'm just- me, just me. Y/n L/n.

The kid everyone doesn't notice. That kid everyone looks at weirdly. Because from what they said, I'm just a 'weird kid'. I have a spot to myself just beside the black lake, under a tree, where I spend most of my time just reading or gazing over nothingness.

People walk past me while muttering and mumbling to their friends about me. Judging me for the worst. And the funny part about this, is they think I don't even hear them. They shamelessly judge me, out loud, without second guessing.

Honestly speaking, it doesn't really bother me that much. I'm absolutely fine with my own self and if people didn't understand that, then they don't have to. And that Malfoy junior makes it worse. Oh well, I guess I have to go to my spot now, since it's time and I have nothing else to do.

Make your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

Hermione's POV:


I stood up abruptly from my seat which made Harry and Ron look at me, "I should go now, I have stuff to do." I explained quickly and walked out  before they could reply.

I made my way through the halls toward the grounds, to watch a certain someone. Alright, here we go. I hid behind a wall so that, well- so that I won't get caught. Where is she?

Y/n's POV:

As I was walking to my spot, guess who I bumped to? Yeah, Draco Malfoy. Nice. 

"Watch it Mud-Blood!" He shouts an insult which made his goons laugh with him. I looked up and met his eyes, I gave him an unamused face before continuing to where I was headed. But before I got away he insulted me more. 

"L/N you should really ask your pathetic 'mommy' for new robes. You look homeless!" he says out loud which made the whole corridor full of students face me and laugh.

I laughed wryly and gasped dramatically "Oh my Merlin! That's a great idea Malfoy! Don't worry, I'll ask her later!" I said cheerfully with a wide smile.

They all stopped laughing and looked at me confused. Huh, they didn't think I was going to turn this around did they? I turned my back around him and took a step before stopping to look at him over my shoulder. 

"Oh, do you know where Narcissa will be after dinner?" I asked him which made everyone laugh. I now walked away leaving the humiliated Malfoy in the middle of the hall while students from left to right was laughing at him.

(If you don't get it, stay innocent.)

At last, I've reached my spot. I sat down the side of the tree and leaned my back on it. I sighed tiredly and closed my eyes. It was when I heard a footstep just behind me.

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