Not Wanted

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Y/n's POV:

I was getting out of my car excited to see my friends from Hogwarts. I haven't seen them in a while and ever since something happened that changed my life completely I feel like I need them more now.

I entered the three broomsticks and immediately saw my friends in a long table chatting and drinking butterbeer. I greeted them and they greeted back as I approached the table.

There were two seats left. One beside Hermione and one beside Ginny. I sat on the seat close to Ginny and avoided Hermione's eyes. The group seem to notice and got confused as to why I didn't sit beside Hermione.

"What's up with you two?" Ginny asked me nudging my side lightly.

I looked at her then to our friends only to see their confused faces. I chuckled at them shaking my head and sipped some butterbeer before I spoke.

"She hasn't told you has she?" I asked them as I now looked into Hermione's eyes.

"Told us what?" The Weasley twins asked at the same time.

I smiled sadly while silence surrounded our table

"She doesn't want me anymore." I said after the long pause with a smile.

Staring at the brown eyed beauty that isn't mine anymore. My eyes becomes watery as I stare at her. Hermione just looked down her lap and silently sniffled.

The friend group got the message but can't seem to break the silence given the sad moment. Ginny and George who were by my side started rubbing circles on my back and patting me apologeticly.

"Isn't it right, luv?" I said as a tear escapes from my eyes falling down my cheek.

Suddenly the entrance door chimes, Ronald enters the pub and started walking towards our table.

"Hey guys what did I miss?" He said as he sat down next to Hermione, seeing that it was the only seat left.

He looked at everyone who's still looking at me apologeticly and got confused. But before he can speak I interrupted him and stood up.

"I'll get going. Thanks for this little reunion guys. I'll see you all soon." I said as I wiped the tear on my cheek and gave everyone a smile.

I turned around and started walking away but before I got out the door I stopped and said

"Take care of her, Ronald."

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