059 class rank

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    "But what?" Fu Manman asked.

    The young man in front of him looks like he can read and write, and his temperament is different from that of ordinary people.

    The young man sighed, "There is a notice outside the city gate that all nobles with double surnames and their attendants can enter the city, and ordinary people who break into the city will be killed without mercy."

    It is this double surname that is respected, this world loves class so much! And the class hierarchy is so strict.

    When the others heard this, they were silent, and bowed their heads in resignation. Who let their fate be bad, and they were not reborn in a family with a double surname.

    "It's such a ridiculous thing in the world, people are born equal, what kind of surname is respected, there are no ordinary people, who will respect them." Fu said angrily with dissatisfaction.

    When the people around heard her words, their faces turned blue with fright.

    Fu An didn't quite understand it yet, but when he saw that everyone was nervous, he also became nervous.

    Fu Qiang looked at Fu Manman in shock, thinking that Fu Manman was going crazy again!

    Lu Hua covered Fu Manman's mouth, and said nervously: "My God, Miss Manman, don't talk nonsense, this is something that will lose your head."

    Chang Zhong also looked nervous, and looked around to see if someone No nobleman was around and listened to this.

    "This girl is really ignorant. Resurrection of surnames has existed since ancient times. It was established by the gods. If there is no dignity, the world will be chaotic." The old man who had cried and called the city lord to not open the city gate angrily accused Fu Manman.

    "Girl, it is an ancient precept that everyone in the world must follow and not violate, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the laws of the country." The young man wearing a lun scarf spoke in a much gentler voice, as if he was not accusing, but just spreading knowledge.

    Fu Manman pulled Aunt Luhua's hand away, and didn't gnaw any more. She didn't speak, which didn't mean she agreed.

    It seems that if she wants to live freely in this world, it is bound to set off a revolution!

    She can't do as the Romans do, and she will never agree with this bullshit teaching that the surname is honored.

    This matter has to be figured out slowly, and now she has to find a way to find her sister.

    Fu An said that he heard the woman who bought Fu Shuangshuang say that if she was going to Fengcheng, Fu Shuangshuang must be in Fengcheng. The city gate hadn't been opened for seven or eight days, so Fu Shuangshuang was still outside the city.

    "Let's find a place to camp nearby, I'm afraid we won't be able to enter the city today." Fu Manman's face was calm, and the anger just now was gone.

    Chang Zhong agreed, and sighed, "Nowadays, the common people are despised wherever they go!

    " , King Xiao Beiyang took over Fengcheng, and he will definitely open the city gates and let the people enter the city." The young man wearing a scarf said with a smile on his face.

    "Yes, Little Beiyang King is so great. I heard that he is very kind to the common people. We came here because of him." The middle-aged man sitting not far away stroked his beard. 

   Fu Manman saw that the other party was not very old, only in his early thirties, but he had a long black beard, which was straighter than a woman's hair, but if he didn't wash it for a long time, his beard would become dirty. 

   She looked around and found that many men had beards. 

   Chang Zhong also has a beard, but it's not that long, but seeing the envious eyes he looks at the long-bearded middle-aged man, he seems to be very envious of his long beard!  

  Fu An pulled Fu Qiang, pointed at the long beard and said enviously: "Brother, that uncle's beautiful beard is really beautiful."  

  "It looks good, you are not allowed to grow beards in the future." Fu Manman threatened Fu Qiang with a glare.

    Fu Qiang rolled his eyes, he wouldn't listen to her! Tiancheng men don't grow beards, and those who don't grow beards are eunuchs in the palace.

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