97 Framed

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    Fu Manman simply told about the miracle.

    Fu Shuangshuang blinked and nodded, knowing the origin of the thing, but she still followed Fu Manman, curious, she wanted to see how this little brother would be breastfed.  

  Fu Manman took the prepared milk, tested the temperature, walked to Aunt Lu Hua, and said, "Auntie, give  little Maodan to me!"

"Manman, do you really want to take her with you?"

    "Well, it's very pitiful, and she refuses to leave. If she insists on following, then follow!" Fu Manman said lightly.

    Lu Hua handed the little Maodan to Fu Manman, and sighed, "Hey, there are too many poor people. It is her blessing that this girl follows you." All the girls are lucky to follow.

    Fu Manman smiled and said nothing.

    The little Maodan in her arms smelled the fragrance of milk, and immediately shook his head to look for the pacifier. Fu Manman stuffed the pacifier into his mouth, and the little Maodan gulped down the milk.

    Fu Manman patted the little Maodan on the back in a hurry, and she could not help complaining: "It's really a child of a starving ghost, why are you so eager to eat, these milks are all yours."

    He took out a small bib and wiped Maodan's mouth, and continued to nurse. This time, the little guy sucked more slowly, and opened his eyes. While sucking, he looked at Fu Manman, and suddenly smiled with  nipple in his mouth.

    The smiling face immediately melted Fu Manman's heart, and she couldn't help laughing too, "What a cutie! Sister didn't love you for nothing."

    "Little brother smiled!" Fu Shuangshuang said happily.

    After feeding the little Maodan, Fu Manman handed the little Maodan to Fu Shuangshuang and asked her to burp her brother, while she went to pack her luggage. She found a set of thermal underwear and socks for Lin Qiaoer, and she will follow her from now on. She has to Responsible for her basic necessities of life.

    Fortunately, she took enough things last time. She still have a set of clothes and two pairs of socks.

    She found out the clothes and socks, and went to find Lin Qiaoer, but in the blink of an eye, she was gone.

    "Qiaoer!" Fu Manman shouted.

    "Miss, I'm here!" Lin Qiaoer ran over from the forest with the wood in her hand.

    This is picking firewood and going, this is still barefoot! Fu Manman hurriedly asked her to put down her things, and took out her clothes and socks, "Go find a place, put your clothes inside, put on your socks, and I'll weave straw sandals for you later."

    Lin Qiaoer looked at the clothes in Fu Manman's hands and socks, she couldn't believe her eyes, she gave her such good clothes, she hurriedly shook her head and waved her hands, refusing to take it.

    "Why are you disobedient again?" Fu Manman gave a stern face, and the other party obediently took the clothes and socks, and then knelt down and kowtowed to Fu Manman.

    Fu Manman was helpless and distressed, this bad habit of kneeling and kowtowing every now and then had to be changed slowly in the future.

    "Go, pay attention to safety." After Fu Manman explained, she returned to the camp.

    At this moment, the people in the city are talking about the princess being hanged everywhere.

    Little Beiyang King, Huangfu went straight to the tower as soon as he entered the city, but he was still a step too late. He looked at the burned body, his pupils shrank, and he looked at Ouyang Wude questioningly.

    Ouyang Wude stepped forward, cupped his fists to greet him, and said, "Ouyang Wude, governor of Fengcheng, thank you, the little prince, for personally leading the troops to solve my difficulties in Fengcheng."

    "Commander Ouyang, how do you thank me?" Huangfu pointed at the burned body , before he had time to confirm whether this person was Ouyang Feiyue, it was burned by Ouyang Wude.

    Isn't Ouyang Feiyue his favorite daughter! How could he be so cruel.

    Ouyang Wude's face was ugly, after such a scandal, how dare he say that this is his daughter, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he had an idea.

    "Little prince, the person who was hanged on the city wall just now was not a courtier's daughter, but someone who was deliberately found to be a fake, for the purpose of framing me! It is unrighteous for my Ouyang family. Injustice!" Ouyang Wude gritted his teeth.

    Huangfu Feiran frowned slightly, he didn't believe this, but he was not sure if this person was Ouyang Feiyue, after all, when they met back then, they were still young.

    But if it is said that the vicious woman who mutilated the young girl and nourished her beauty with blood is the most beautiful woman in the world, and Ouyang Feiyue who has the world in her heart, Huangfu Feiran really can't believe it.

    It was also heard the day before yesterday that Ouyang Feiyue gave porridge to the people outside the city wall!

    She must not be such a terrible and evil person.

    "Then I hope that Duke Ouyang will find the murderer as soon as possible, and clear up your grievances for Ling Ai." Huangfu said politely.

    Then he glanced at the refugees around the city wall, as well as the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, his dark eyes sank slightly, flashing a hint of helplessness and compassion.

    "Mr. Ouyang, how do you treat the people in the city?" Now that he has come to solve the crisis in Fengcheng, the reputation of Xiaobeiyang Wangjun who loves the people like a son cannot be ruined by the Ouyang family here.

    Ouyang Wude immediately understood the meaning, and quickly responded: "Don't worry, little prince, the crisis in Fengcheng has been lifted, and all refugees can enter the city. I will ask the soldiers to arrange inspections and let the people enter the city."

    Huangfu nodded fervently, and then left with his followers , he has to go back to rectify the three armies, and will discuss the supply of the Beiyang Army with Mr. Ouyang later.

    In Ouyang's mansion, Ouyang Feiyan, who had been recuperating on the bed for several days, was greatly surprised and shocked when she heard that Ouyang Feiyue's corpse lay on the city wall.

    Then she rejoiced and secretly rejoiced. She was framed by Ouyang Feiyue since she was a child, and was sent back to her hometown to live in Zhuangzi. The world only knew that there was only Ouyang Feiyue in Ouyang's mansion, but they didn't know that there was also a concubine lady of Ouyang Feiyan.

    Now that Ouyang Feiyue has died, she is the only lady in Ouyang's mansion, and the position of princess belongs to her.

    While she was rolling happily on the bed, Ouyang Wude brought someone to knock on the door.

    Ouyang Feiyan hurriedly put on an innocent appearance of not knowing anything, and called on her father.

    Ouyang Wude looked at this face that resembled Ouyang Feiyue, and felt very uncomfortable. Thinking of the tragic death of his beloved daughter, he felt sad, but at the moment he had more important things to do.

    That is to protect the face of the Ouyang family.

    "Feiyan, Daddy has ignored you these years, and now there is an important matter, Daddy hopes you can do it well." Ouyang Wude said.

    Ouyang Feiyan looked puzzled, and asked simply: "Daddy, what do you want your daughter to do?"

    "From today on, you are Ouyang Feiyue, the princess of Ouyang Mansion. You will change your clothes and go to the city later and donate porridge, remember, remember that you are Ouyang Feiyue!" Ouyang Wude left after finishing speaking.

    He didn't even give Ouyang Feiyan a chance to ask why.

    "Yes, the child obeys the father's orders."

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